Friday, September 27, 2013

Video: Agenda 21 - When 'Government' Declares War Against The People

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Video: Agenda 21 - When 'Government' Declares War Against The People
Posted By: Lion [Send E-Mail]
Date: Friday, 27-Sep-2013 06:09:45

Video, audio, or written presentations such as the the one presented here, serve a multi - fold, and sometimes unintended purpose.
On the surface, this information is intended to 'wake people up from their 'stupor of stupidity', and make them question 'conventional wisdom', otherwise known as mind programming and mind control from - and promoted by - psychopaths who lust only for power and control. I.E. - 'Agenda 21'
In many cases, however, the truth movement is hijacked, and used as a conduit, a pawn, to spread fear and discontent, by those who first wish to seed fear into the population - again by psychopaths who lust only for power and control. I.E. - 'Agenda 21'.
The psychopaths often begin a campaign of spreading fear and intimidation into society by releasing bogus stories in the press, TV, Hollyweird, or the internet, and then top off their act with displayed actions of ordering their mind controlled, skin-headed Nazi maniacs - such as a militarized, fascist 'police force' - be it NSA, TSA, or cops on the street or 'national guard' - who are there only to make public examples of anyone who questions the plans of the psychopath control freaks who pay the skin-headed Nazi maniacs to abuse the public at large - to come down even harder on even more innocent people with even harsher predatory intimidation tactics.
The displayed actions of the kings of demented psychopaths, are intended to convey, and instill the message in the minds of the people:
"We are all powerful, and there is nothing you can do against us'".
A recent example, is the 'dire warnings' of Marshall Law being declared on, or about Oct 1st, 2013, by the Obama gang.
Marshall Law for what reason?
Did granny flip the bird to the talking head on TV again?
There is no 'reason'.
It's all cabal psychopathic agenda.
The control maniacs do these thing because the WANT TO - and then make excuses later - or make no pretense at all.
Pretty or not - that IS America today.
We are a nation being invaded from within, and our worst enemy is the smiling, condescending politician parasite on the TV propaganda screen.
Is there a way out of this mess?
First of all, we have to understand the real context of where we stand - namely that every 'Joe six pack' in America has been declared 'an enemy of the state' - and is expendable according to the Agenda 21 psychopaths.
That means, because you woke up, and went to work today, you are the enemy of the state.
That means, because you can breathe - you are the enemy of the state.
See anything wrong with THAT picture?
How many times does it have to be proven the 'state' is ####ing insane?
How many times does it have to be proven the 'state' is nothing but a cabal of criminal psychopath predator lowlifes, who have no moral, or ethical standing except for the myriad of weapons they threaten you with?
How many times does it have to be proven the 'state' is a rouge gang of murderers, thieves, and control freaks who have absolutely no business being even considered for a leadership position in the outhouse cleaning union?
Now is NOT the time to fear the criminally insane, rouge psychopaths of the 'state'.
Now is the time to recognize the need for sharpening the guillotine blades.
Now is the time for Joe six pack to understand that Satanic predators of the rouge, criminal 'state' - only know control, and kill or be killed.
Now is the time for Joe six pack to understand we are NOT DEALING WITH HUMANS, but with predator reptilians who have very small brains.
When you watch the video below, remember the predators behind it.
Wake Up 2013: AGENDA 21 & WW3
Published on Jun 27, 2013 By Jason A
WAKE UP 2013 civil unrest ww3


Anonymous said...

Government declares war against the people? What planet have these idiots been living on?

The Government declared war on the people back on March 9th 1933 when they amended their trading with the enemy act thereby including all Americans as enemy of the state! Anyone that is 80 years old or younger born in this country was born into this world as an enemy of the state!

Anonymous said...

Of course, we all know this, the question is how do WE eliminate them before THEY eliminate US? They have the Crown Vics, THEY have the guns, courts, jails etc., we stand up to THEM we get shot or arrested, doesn't matter that they are criminals, they have the power, Mafia. The way I see it we have only two possible ways to defeat them. 1) Military intervention, mass arrests 2) somebody needs to put out a list similar to the sex offender lists they are so proud of, that is name, photos, address etc. for ALL to see on the Internet, a million, ten million, I don't care how many, list them all and rate them with stars on their ranking of evil, break the list down by zip code so everybody will know their local cabal 'leaders', then let the people take it from there. There is no other way except to wait for death as that is what will come if the people do not get their shit together SOON and get this thing going. I don't feel good about this though as the vast majority of the present population are little more than mindless cattle, on that point I agree with the cabal, mindless idiots everywhere. So, good luck all.