Saturday, September 21, 2013

The Cadaver of Jimmy Hoffa

Saturday, September 21, 2013

The Cadaver of Jimmy Hoffa

Jerome Corsi is an interesting psyops persona in he has a tendency to ferret out stories which for the most part end up getting people murdered.

I have touched on the Kennedy Blow Job plus 50 in his new book, which just posts information about things which people have forgotten, but in that, there is something interesting to me in the McClellan investigations in the Senate which the Kennedy's utilized to launch Jack Kennedy for the presidency.

Sen. McClellan was a smarmy democrat who hated unions and used his committee as cover to go after unions, and his chief pit bull was Robert Kennedy as "counsel" who basically was doing the bidding of Sen. John Kennedy as the two conspired together.

John Kennedy actually was not allowed to investigate the unions as he was so joined at the hip with them, and it had to be a special committee created with both GOP like Barry Goldwater of Arizona and Democrats like Karl Mundt of South Dakota to give it cover.

The bizarre business in this is old Joe Kennedy as an Irish mobster who dealt with the Jewish and Italian mob for his fortune. That is why Jack could not be left to run a committee as he was the son of a mobster, and this was all about unions joined to organized crime for the expressed purpose of taking over America.

That is what McClellan was about in this as Bobby Kennedy was ferreting out information like a damn inquisitor who even the liberals were crying foul of his badgering witnesses. It was a circus circus really, and the brand names like Jimmy Hoffa were ringmasters in making Bobby Kennedy blow his lid and go into name calling rants which turned everyone off.

Hoffa is the one that interests me in this and it is not because he was executed after getting out of prison. It was Jimmy Hoffa who actually was behind the plan  which Saul Alinsky and this Birther Obama engaged in, in taking over America in their own version.

One must understand that Jimmy Hoffa decided to take his powerful union, and take control over all unions with it, and link it to organized crime, as the hammer in it all, for the purpose of taking over America in a literal Karl Marx overthrow where Jimmy Hoffa would be Stalin.
Hoffa meant to supplant the robber barons in a clever scheme which had him filing false union papers to inflate his numbers to get elected for control of the operation, and from there he could have with organized crime, literally bullied and murdered every industry in America into submission in his union plan.

It really was brilliant and beat Saul Alinsky by almost two decades.

Harken back though to that time in what was manifesting as unions were in control. John Kennedy was about to screw over organized crime in their help in stealing the 1960 election, after Bobby had been hauling the kingpins before Congress. It was in that upheaval that Hoffa ended up in prison, and then was released in the early 1970's to only be murdered later.

It is that murder which is interesting in this, because Hoffa was making moves again, but the question is, who was interested in not allowing Jimmy Hoffa back in to take over America again.

The era of the robber baron was coming to an end with the murder of Howard Hughes. John Heinz was about the last industrialist with American capital and he too was murdered, and what was taking place was something beyond the Military Industrial Complex.
It was this blog which first exposed the Socio Conglomerate which was the real entity which had been assembled in America, by the machinations of willing Americans with the Operation Paper Clip Nazis who were imported along with their intelligence and finance.

This group took over everything and made the CIA the fall guy for all things evil, when the CIA was simply following orders to eliminate the competitors of this Conglomerate, or cartel.

If you revisit this period, Director J. Edgar Hoover of the FBI had tapes of John Kennedy sexing Marilyn Monroe. It was common place for spying to be going on against every person of power in America. The CIA was barred from it, but was keeping files as they always did, so in all of this, do you think for a moment, just as in John Kennedy's execution, that Jimmy Hoffa was not being watched by the FBI?

Of course he was, and the mystery of Jimmy Hoffa is not that he was executed, but that he was executed by the shadowlands in the same way Andrew Breitbart was assassinated.
A new order was forming, and this order in taking down Richard Nixon, would next arrive to chemically poison J. Edgar Hoover to remove him, and his entire file system, he was keeping all of this running with. That new order would shoot Ronald Reagan, and that new order would have the Clinton's stealing for blackmail all of the FBI files in order for them to keep power.

The story is not that Europeans put the hit on John Kennedy, but the story is the shadows of the regime to come executed Jimmy Hoffa, just like the assassinated Saul Alinsky as these two competitors to what was taking place, were in the process of initiating counter orders which was not the new world order of feudalism.
Alinsky and Hoffa both were going to be feudal lords, as all of these systems are nothing but absolute power with absolute thuggery, exactly as the Obama regime operates in raping America and the world at large for the cartel, but the cartel can not have anyone being like powerful as they are, so they order the hit on people.

The reason Hoffa was not found, is because the government did the hit by proxy in the Conglomerates and they did not want the body found. Hoffa left a message to not be a competitor and Bill Gates learned that the monetary way as he divested himself of all money at nation rapist Warren Buffett's mandate.

I guess it is called a Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter in tying all of this up, but you will notice no on ever does connect the dots who get the book deals or who get the contributor titles at the major rags. It is compartmentalization to keep you from knowing how it all links, as you are told to pity and detest the same coin in Kennedy and Hoffa.

Enough of this fun in nuff said.

agtG 270

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sooo...what are you telling me here that I and the rest of us don't already know, smart guy? You're really just rehashing the same, tired bullshit, aren't you?