Friday, September 20, 2013

Provost Marshal General Quantock – Obama – Treason…again?

This is true!  ONLY A SHERIFF CAN ARREST THE PRESIDENT AT WILL to the best of my understanding per my research.  What actions or steps must ONE have to take to cause the event to happen?

And who do the Sheriffs work for?  The U.S. CORPORATION. 

The sheriffs should be on the side of the people but their bogus oaths are not FOR WE THE PEOPLE.  This is the tragedy.

Arnie, Good try though!

So you may wish to consider forwarding your letter to Sheriff Richard Mack?  I am always open to learning if my understanding is not correct.

Unfortunately, Richard Mack lacks the knowledge to see the bigger picture that one must extract themselves from the U.S. CORPORATION voter registration records; and so , therefore his following will likely adapt to his same current opinion and not correct understanding of the laws because we have all been brainwashed to believe that others are much wiser and smarter than we are instead of taking personal responsibility to do the legal research necessary to be free of the shackles.

I believe our Creator Jehovah God does view these detestable act as "idolatry" since He too, is casted off as someone not worthy and incapable of helping us during our times of distress.

Jer 10:23 proclaims by divine inspiration that it is not up to man to even direct his own steps.  Please Read in your Bible:

23 I well know, O Jehovah, that to earthling man his way does not belong.  It does not belong to man who is walking even to direct his step.  (See Psalms 17:5; Psalms 37:23; Prov 16:3; Prov 20:24; Jer 17:9) ...24. Correct me, O Jehovah, however with judgment; ( See Ps 6:1; Jer 30:11) ...not in your anger, (See Ps 38:1) that you may not reduce me to nothing. (See Isa 40:23)  vs25. Pour out your rage upon the nations (See Ps 9:17; Ps 79:6; Isa 34:2) who have ignored you, (See Job 18:21; 1Th 4:5; 2Th 1:8; Revelation 16:1) and upon the families who have not called even upon your name. (See Zep 1:6). -NWT Version Translation go to: for the GOOD NEWS (Matt 24:14).


What is is what is.

June  Reyno

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