Wednesday, September 11, 2013

It’s Time to Call for the Arrest of Criminal Politicians in Washington

 It’s Time to Call for the Arrest of Criminal Politicians in Washington  


Anonymous said...

I beg to differ
the time was 2 years ago when I and many many many other people called for the arrests.
and it still isn't happening and most obviously never will! they have had more then enough evidnce for along time now, it will never come to fruition!
ya a few very low level scum have been put behind bars to try and appease the public, thats it! they only way change will come to america is armed revolution by the citizens PERIOD!

Dan said...

Watch this and Kurt's others and you will find out that Congress is REALLY the Board of Directors of THE UNITED STATES, INC.!
Season of Treason Full
THE UNITED STATES, INC. is in charge and you are a SLAVE, so remove yourself as a Registered Voter and a UNITED STATES Citizen, and then you will be supporting the Republic!

Anonymous said...

I kinda agree with Feinstein on this immigration statement. Just my opinion. I don't like her but it's true about removing those that are actual criminals and not those that are actually helping agriculturally and heritiage wise.