Sunday, September 22, 2013

** Iraqi dinar, recently being said ** / TNT Tony

** Iraqi dinar, recently being said ** / TNT Tony
Posted By: hobie [Send E-Mail]
Date: Sunday, 22-Sep-2013 02:39:39

Hi, Folks -
Found here:
T - All day long I've been getting calls from DC and overseas, what's in their news there, etc. are they being told the same things? The answer is YES - they are being told about the change that has occured iin the value of their dinar. We haven't seen it and the CBI hasn't seen it. But they're telling their people that so at some point the change has to happen.
T - If Iraq was in charge we would have seen it already. As far as DC has told me they've been authorized for 2 weeks in a row to make an RV announcement. We know they are putting out the info and it's public.
T - what did we learn today? This morning all the bank people (call centers, cash-out centers) were called in at 6AM and they were told to expect the rate to be live and to be busy. But instead they sat around all day playing cards, waiting.
T - it didn't happen for a bunch of reasons. We heard it was being used as a political football. We heard it was because of the debt ceiling issue. We heard that the docs from Syria weren't signed and sealed, which is supposed to happen over the weekend.
T - what we do know is that the system is ready. We know the banks are ready. DC folks are upset it didn't happen. It was supposed to start last night and it didn't. It is supposed to start tonight and 24-48 hours past the start we are supposed to see it. It is going, so everybody is calm. They are looking for it - should be here by Monday. The POTUS is making a speech tomorrow about the economy. May or may not be about the RV. After that we should see it - but don't be surprised if you see it before.
[big snip to end]

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