Thursday, September 12, 2013

Dinar Intel Updates

9-11-2013  Intel Guru Loechin   From all the information gathered since last night I am still thinking that this could be our week. With that said you need to understand that as far as I know at this Time that all has been completed signed and I think released. Only time will tell...As of this very second the rates are still double digits and the VND is holding at $3.18. I believe that unless changes occur the base rate on the IQD will be $23.86 WOW.  I am excited and looking for the RV at any second.

9-11-2013  Intel Guru Okie_Oil_Man   [so you received even more confirmations today regarding the injunctions and that it was successful?YES AND YES.   [Do you think this will take place after hours when the banks are closed or can it happen at any hour?IDEAL TIME IS IN THE WEE HOURS OF THE MORNING---GIVES ALL BANKS A EQUIVALENT STARTING PLACE ACCORDING TO THEIR TIME ZONE.  [post 1 of 2....stay tuned]

9-11-2013  Intel Guru Okie_Oil_Man    [am I dreaming or does your Intel tell us this could happen within a few days?YES----IT COULD HAPPEN VERY SOON NOW--THE LEGAL HURDLE HAS BEEN JUMPED...COULD HAPPEN WHILE YOU SLEEP TONIGHT---I CAN'T SAY FOR SURE BUT IT SURELY WON'T BE LONG WITH ALL (A L L) BEING ACCOMPLISHED.  [do you think we are still looking at double digits? IT HAS BEEN POSTED AS SUCH FOR 3 WEEKS NOW.  [post 2 of 2]

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