Sunday, September 8, 2013

Buy your Alaskan fish NOW!

Subject: Buy your Alaskan fish NOW!
Date: Thu, 5 Sep 2013 22:40:02 -0600
 NBC Nightly News: Concerns are growing tonight, especially out West, about the continuing radiation threat from Fukushima —
Published: September 3rd, 2013 at 8:29 pm ET
By ENENews
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NBC Nightly News, September 3, 2013 – Brian Williams, Anchor: Concerns are growing tonight — especially out West — about the continuing radiation threat from the crippled Fukushima nuclear plant in Japan. There’s this, the Japanese government said it will spend almost half a billion dollars, much of it to build a giant wall of ice underground to try to stop the flow of radioactive water leaking into the ocean.
Akio Matsumura, Japanese Diplomat, September 3, 2013: Japan is an island nation, connected to the rest of the world through the Pacific Ocean’s currents. For thousands of years those waterways have carried Japanese sailors to distant shores. Now they carry radioactivity to our coasts. Japan’s reluctance to ask for international help in managing Fukushima’s cleanup would be one thing if it put only its own people at risk. But with the rest of the world facing health risks, Japan’s mismanagement of its nuclear crisis is irresponsible and should not be accepted by other governments, especially the United States, whose food supply is contaminated. [...]


Anonymous said...

If truly what goes around comes around, and we reap what we sow, could the radioactivity coming our way from Japan be karma from the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki decades ago? Or just unfortunate random coincidence?

cedarslodge said...

Fishing is a sport which is equally alluring in every season. Even in winters fishing enthusiast can go out for ice fishing in winters. This fishing report will help the one who wants to bundle up, get outside and try fishing in a chilling day as well.

Alaska Fishing Trip