Sunday, August 18, 2013

Latest RTS article Update

Hey Darlin- Could you please repost this RTS update Article?  I hugely appreciate it.

This has been an INCREDIBLE week and yesterday was incredibly intense!  Anyone with even the sensitivity of a tomato felt the shifting of the energy.  Chat rooms, Skype rooms, websites, articles, radio shows..... are exploding with the vibration of change.  Not just "Change" but a true metamorphosis, like the caterpillar into a butterfly. With the energetic awakening that has been slamming so many people in the past month, the physical world of finance & banking and "government" and all aspects of the control grid have been collapsing like dethroned prom queens into weeping and wailing soggy heaps, ...  chest beating histrionics with a side of lamenting whimpers of despair are the order of the day it would seem. 

I can't really blame them.  It's all gone to hell in a hand basket really fast and nothing they've tried has worked.

Normally I'm not a sadistic bitch (ok that's not true, but I do try to keep it under control), but today I really feel the urge to pick at the open wound.  Not to cause them - the blubbering messes that were the PTW and their brokers - pain, but to insure that they see the ridiculousness of their current tantrums and make sure that they KNOW that WE KNOW what the fuck they are doing.  .... or at least, what they were trying to do.

As usual, this is my take on what's been happening.  This is my understanding and opinion based on the intel, the information, and the energetic screaming that has been going on recently.  I'm going to try to keep this pretty short and to the point. I hope.

Oh, and I'm going to talk about things that are going to make people uncomfortable and shake their head in disbelief and that's totally fine with me.  I'm putting out what I know- you can decide whether it resonates or not. And really, this is about letting "them" know that we know what they are up to, so you don't need to believe it if you don't want to.

First off, the RV.  It didn't happen.

Big surprise. 

*hint* the RV has nothing to do with Ramadan or parliament being in or out, or national holidays, or how many goats are sitting on the hill waiting to be disemboweled......

They tried at least twice in the past two weeks to push it through and they discovered that unless they are willing to stand there, in complete liability and absolute responsibility for the fraud they are trying to perpetuate, then they are going to get fried.   The energetic "accounting & bookkeeping" is instantaneous now, as the three guys discovered when they tried to put the "RV" live in Iraq couple of weeks ago.  They are now bye bye. That's not to say that they weren't given a choice, but unless they were willing to work for the highest good of ALL, then THEY were held responsible. The fourth guy had a change of heart- the rest of you guys might want to listen to him.

The Global Revaluation of Currencies is nothing more than fraud.  "They" know this but thought that they could manipulate it and warp it to happen any way.  "They" found out that they can't.  Now that the truth of what VALUE is and where it comes from is out in the open, any motion to try to negate, hide, deceive or change it, IS clear and indisputable FRAUD. Not allowed.  As they have discovered, much to their chagrin.

I've said this before:  The "New" financial system is based upon lies and fraud. There is nothing "transparent" about it.  Not only that, but this so called "new" system of finance isn't even new.  As I said at the close of my last article on this subject:
    "This is not a "New Financial System".  It is a copy of one that is already in existence... we just haven't seen it HERE before.".....

With Spirals of Light


In Eternal Essence Embodied


JC said...

If the purpose of this article is to discourage as many good folks as possible from benefiting from the RV, then it doesn’t surprise me at all given that D is associated with the OPPT and the false light agenda.

In this latest analysis which is based on nothing more than opinion mostly a distraction and disinfo. We don’t even know who this person D is nor her credentials are (if any). Yes D you’ve said it before “The "New" financial system is based upon lies and fraud”. But just because you said it doesn’t make it so.

The truth is the ‘existing’ financial system is based on the worst imaginable lies and fraud that could have been inflicted on humanity. A system perfected by the dark over centuries.

The ‘new’ system is based on elimination of all fictional debt (now and into the future), the end of fractional banking, implementation of asset backed currencies world wide, the end of the Fed and return to UST, and the elimination of statute law and a return to common law.
In particular, the valuation of each country’s currency will be based on the value of each country’s assets and resources. Imagine how many resource rich African nations that currently exist in dire poverty because they have been exploited by the cabal for centuries, will suddenly become wealthy nations overnight – we will see the effective elimination of third world poverty. There will be no more First and Third worlds. We’ll all be on the same footing.

So explain to the listeners D where the fraud is in the "New” system compared to the existing system? The fact you are part of the OPPT (with all its false promises since day 1) says it all.

The RV will happen, but it will only happen once the official Announcements are made, and not before. The only delay is security and arrests. You will get more value reading the latest ZAP post and Scott Mowry’s recent pieces than this narrative of drivel.

And if you want to know my credentials to be able to tell you all this? Same as D’s. Undisclosed.

Anonymous said...

Well said undisclosed. tyvm...

Anonymous said...

Thank you for clearly pointing out the truth...


There is a mighty battle going on right now...and any person can feel it, if they will just allow their body to listen; most importantly all of the light-workers & energy healers can feel it as well as the changes that are happening and can not be stopped.




Anonymous said...

You were right the first time, D, you are a sadistic bitch. RTS is full of shit, even I know that, a regular, ordinary human. You are associated with RTS, who have proven by their actions to be the Dark Side. All the evidence we have are words on a screen, the rest is super secret shit. RTS has embraced the standard Cabal method of attacking opposing views, berating, belittling and venomously attacking anyone not with the RTS program. I posted a comment at RTS, before the censor nanny kicked in, questioning the secret crap and the need for " Silence " over winalots RV prediction. Here's the verbatim response to my comment :

Breaking The Silence11 October 2012 11:58
" yes guy, you're absolutely right. I'm so glad that you know everything about how this entire system change over works and have chosen to share your wisdom with everyone here today. Many thanks for the lesson- I don't know how I could possibly of missed this vital information when I was summarising this article. I will insure that your brilliantly written repartee is passed along to those who asked me to write this article as I'm sure they too will hugely benefit from your vast knowledge and experience in this matter."

Full text of my comment is still up at RTS with the complete article. HOW IRONIC, that a person using a name like ' Breaking the Silence ' attempts to silence anyone but himself. Rename yourself STFU. SECRET STUFF GOT US WHERE WE ARE NOW ! I keep these comments for just such an occasion, like dealing with a sadistic bitch. I seriously question the posting of RTS here, Johnny, even if she calls you ' darlin.' TYJM frj

Anonymous said...

I on the other hand don't think she is associated with the false light agenda. Nothing that OPPT has said has been negative. Fact that you can't understand it is a whole different story. She isn't saying anything that doesn't sound true to me. And on top of that Casper confirmed this scam and has been saying all along it's a scam. His article last week was really an eye opener with much credible information. I wasn't a real fan of Casper but he did bring some light into this situation and it made sense. As for Benjamin Fulford he has always said it's a scam as well. There's got to be some truth to that as well. I think that with this RV, we just want to believe what we want to believe and when someone points out the truth, we just turn a deaf ear to it and try to justify it otherwise. Why hasn't it happened then? Just think about it. As far back as I can remember it has been called "daily" and it's been years. Come on, something isn't right here. To me it is indeed the same old system in disquise. Just like Basel III "no real change" in my opinion. I don't need D to tell me that. The bottom line is IF UNDER BASEL III WE WILL STILL HAVE "FRACTIONAL RESERVE" BANKING NOTHING, ABSOLUTELY NOTHING HAS CHANGED!

JC said...

Couldn't agree with you more Anon. The energy and intensity of the epic battle between dark and the light has been very intense of late to say the least. At times one can feel the intensity of the evil at play.

But the dark have lost and their game has been reduced to a psyop battle of hearts and minds. The horrific truth will be revealed globally, not just the recent horrors but our true history. The majority of the folks that are still fast asleep will fall out of their beds when they learn the Truth. Some will not make it. Even those folks that thought they were enlightened such as the OPPT and RTS victims and many other scams will be shocked as to how they've been deceived.

This is when the true work of energy healers and light workers will be called upon - to comfort, educate and help those in our communities make sense of the unveiling that's just been revealed to them. While it's been tough times for light workers in a way we are the lucky ones as we've known about the bitter Truth for a long time.

Anonymous said...

TO all of you who offered the above opinions: You wouldn't know the truth if it arose and slapped you across the face! You poor dumb sheeple!

Anonymous said...

Anon 9:05 AM -- You can change your name, too, to STFU. The real problem is we've been slapped so many times -- which one actually was the truth ? It must be incredibly fulfilling and stimulating for you to gaze down from your lofty and presumptuous perch and watch the common folk struggle in their ignorance. How kind of you to criticize without offering any solution, but then, in your excitement, you might have spilled your Chateau Lafite-Rothschild Pauillac ' 56 on the Chesterfield.
Classic Cabal shill you are, probably D, the sadistic bitch. TYJM frj

Anonymous said...

The quote below energetically resonates with me.

For over 12 years now the energetics have not supported and RV. You have to ask yourself why then and why now is the RV not energetically supported and glitches and delays continue.

"I think that with this RV, we just want to believe what we want to believe and when someone points out the truth, we just turn a deaf ear to it and try to justify it otherwise. Why hasn't it happened then? Just think about it. As far back as I can remember it has been called "daily" and it's been years. Come on, something isn't right here. To me it is indeed the same old system in disquise. Just like Basel III "no real change" in my opinion. I don't need D to tell me that. The bottom line is IF UNDER BASEL III WE WILL STILL HAVE "FRACTIONAL RESERVE" BANKING NOTHING, ABSOLUTELY NOTHING HAS CHANGED!"

It is only my observation, but perhaps each time they make an attempt at and RV or global currency reset, it won't work because their new system they are trying to pretend is not the old system in disguise does not energetically serve "the highest good of all".

If I was the Prime Creator, I would ensure for the highest good of my creation, that any more slavery systems failed to work.

Just my observation and opinion.

Without Prejudice
Silent Observer