Monday, August 19, 2013


Sun Aug 18, 2013 15:05

I just spoke with a person who is very reliable and they stated the Global Financial Reset is currently under way.

What this means to you and me is as follows:

1) Prices will begin to rise - inflation.

2) Interest Rates will now climb.

3) Metals will begin their climb back to normal prices - Copper, Gold and Silver.

4) A new dollar is set to come forward in Mid-October.

5) Welfare will be severely cut.

6) Huge Govt layoffs and no on in private Industry is stupid enough to hire these ex-Govt employees.

7) The reset in Iraq has already occurred and will be made public soon.

8) We may get our Great Republic back.

Apparently when we exposed this $80 Trillion is stolen funds it set in motion a series of changes worldwide.

These Bankstas will either co-operate with this reset or end up dead - so I have been told. This means the $80 Trillion goes away along with the $15 Trillion still sitting in the Royal Bank of Scotland sucking Europe dry on the overnight MTN market.

There is a plan afoot by the Rockefeller's to terminate 100 World President's and Kings and replace them with doubles to regain their overwhelming economic power - we shall see what will happen.

There is also a plan to release the MERS CORONA virus in the DC area beginning around 1 Oct - it kills the Brown Eyed people. This would explain the World Health Organization's Emergency Meeting demanding a MERS CORONA vaccination by 1 Oct.

There is also a plan in place to turn off the World Wide Grid 28 Sep 2013. That will be fun, thank you David Rothchild.

Please see the film on You Tube:


When I posted this earlier here my computer died - so this South Dakota Senator must be right on.
For you Intel Geeks:

1) Obama Assassination Attempts: 17 Aug, 28 Sep and 5 Nov.

2) I wish I lived in an area where I could give you more info on this but those in the FBI who stole my investments apparently want Mr Obama dead. You know what though - who cares if Obama dies - who really cares.....The Secret service apparently does not so who really cares?

3) US Treasury and Dragon Societies: When GOD says something it occurs. If I am NOT paid for what I have done in accordance with both US Treasury Regulations and VA Regulations then your Monetary Exchange will fail and the dreaded Nuclear War will begin.

Does GOD make himself perfectly clear US Treasury Directors and Dragon Society Leaders?

No games here. It is what it is.
Please just pray for America.

You Heard it First here on APFN.

Dr William B. Mount

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

this is the first time ive heard of william mount, but a quick search for him using brings up plenty, and none of it is credible. people like this shouldnt be on a site with a million+ readers.