Wednesday, August 28, 2013

End Game: A Global Conspiracy - Full Film

From: "Forbidden Knowledge TV"
To: "v k durham" <>
Sent: Wednesday, August 28, 2013 6:41:09 PM
Subject: End Game: A Global Conspiracy - Full Film

Dear V.K. Durham,  
The world's ruling elite have 
fashioned an interlocking network 
of multi-national corporations that 
now posses more wealth and political 
autonomy than individual nations.

What psychological pathology drives 
their single-minded obsession for 
absolute control? What high-tech 
schemes serve their diabolical 
End-Game strategies?
Video (about 61 mins):

- Alexandra

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

more accurate is
The world's
(remove the word ruling - a ruler would have a more positive definition and not include deception, oppression, force, nor fraud)
(strike-through a lot of words here)
now possess (added an s)
more wealth and political autonomy than individual nation (remove the s here since individual means singlular not plural).

We fall right into the paradigm by calling them the elite and the powers that be, a title whether positive or negative is accepted by the people who NEED the title.
A Dictator doesn't care that you call him a dictator, as long as he can remain what he is called.

Participants of the world, pretending to hate the very thing they label so well.

Which of them will tell you not to call them the powers that be. Which one will tell you to stop calling them that? They love it and you do it. So is the word Elite and Illuminated...they love that you recognize that in them and place them above you.