Saturday, July 20, 2013

RT News

RT News had very interesting things to say about what is happening around the world with worldwide unemployment and failing economies.  There is a big conference of world leaders about tax evasion and the need for global employment.

It stated how college grads have no jobs to go to, that they face now what blue collar workers faced many decades ago as far as not being able to earn a living.  It showed companies using college grads, young professionals, SHINING SHOES in hot pants (shorts) and tight tank tops in NYC's financial district, run by pimp like managers with a stable of brilliant, educated women reduced to shoe shining while men watch flat screen tv sports.  Soon drinks and etc. will be introduced.  It is clear that prostitution will be under the table......

It skewered Clinton and before his time Reagan for gutting USA's business/workers/wages.. Reagan for being the first Prez to step in and order the US Air Traffic union to cease and desist or lose their jobs and Clinton for opening up the trade agreements with China and everybody or strengthening them, I think Nixon did it first, but anyway, all the way to Obama who they are also not letting off the hook.

There is a GTO 20 Summit or something like that... a world wide conference about TAXES and addressing the fact that companies and corporations are making literal BILLIONS in profit and actually getting IRS money BACK in the hundreds of thousands while someone earning $40,000 a year is paying enormous taxes.

The conference is to hopefully address who Exxon Mobil and other companies, Apple I think just got cited, for not paying taxes......... can you believe that? 

It showed former President Jimmy Carter saying that NAFTA and other policies have skewed things so far in the direction of favor for profit and globalization of business that it has gutted USA's middle class and business owners, workers, etc.

Did you see how DETROIT is like.... GOTH??????  It looks like a horror movie set it is so abandoned and emptied and financially indebted and destroyed economically since the auto industry was moved to China etc.

RT News said something like the average USA citizen in middle class brackets or lower is going to be paying 1/3 of their incoming monies on health insurance and medical payments. 

RT News reported that the globalist profiteers see no difference between a worker in INDIA and a worker in the USA to do the tech job for Google so it is of course 'smart' for them to use cheap labor and they base their choices on profit.

The idea of 'Patriotism' to USA interests and heritage has nothing to do with it for them.  Business tells them to make sense rationally with the profit margin as the only thing necessary to access the situation.

It was quite shocking really............ to see what is happening worldwide and what is coming.  I do not blame GOD for what is happening when it is clear that it is not God doing it at all, but on the contrary it is men and greed, power mongers doing the opposite of what GOD clearly sets forth as fair and caring economics.  God is a fool to financiers even if they believed in Him.

I used to wonder for decades WHY did rich powerful elitists do this?  Now I know first hand at least some of the motivation and mind set from what is happening to us.  They are OCD.  They also live such isolated lives of pleasure and privalige that they really truly do NOT SEE or understand what life is like for the less fortunate.  They can look right at it and not get it.  Like Paris Hilton stating that 'Anybody could be as rich as she is, after all, everybody else gets up and breaths the same air she does every morning so they can become what she is if they want to, what are they complaining about?'.  And then they also have ways they THINK about 'the rest of us' that make them able to wield power punitively without remorse.

RT News or the show right before it presented how the richest companies in the globe are the ones who set all the precedents and rules regarding taxation and profits and so forth and they skew them so that they are making all the money relatively in the world and leaving a tiny slice of the pie for the little man.

When I saw it laid out in those terms, which I wish I could relate or relay, it was more frightening than any idea of the Anti Christ.  Honestly.  It kinda WAS like saying that this is all the foundation for the Anti Christ......... it was not hard to see where all of this is going.

They also did a piece on SURVEILLANCE IN THE UK and how there is now one camera for every 11 people in the country over there, and how face recognition, pace and pattern and height and so forth is all worked out on computerized grid work so that every nuance in how you shift and step and turn is filed and you have no private life, really - and this is really getting to tick off the average person in the UK.

Recently it came out that I guess here too in the USA every single car license plate is monitored digitally and the info is filed so that they know EVERY place ALREADY that you are going to, how often, and when, and how long you stay there.  Which was supposedly designed for the purpose of tracking terrorists, drug cartels, and something else..  can't remember, but which is tracking all of us who are not committing crimes or involved in any of those things, and it is an infringement on our rights to privacy and we need to speak up, send a message to the law makers that this is going too far.

Like.... maybe with bumper stickers?  LOL  

1 comment:

mustang said...

Time for pneumatic guillotines. I volunteer to be an operator. No charge.