Tuesday, July 23, 2013

My Hope Comes From a Different Place Than Listening To Poof/Zap, Fulford, The OPPT, etc..

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

My Hope Comes From a Different Place Than Listening To Poof/Zap, Fulford, The OPPT, etc..
Posted By: Jordon [Send E-Mail]
Date: Tuesday, 23-Jul-2013 17:31:49

Finding Realistic Hope for Humanity's Future
Another good one from Ken’s blog at Redefining God
I have inserted a few comments in blue in the beginning below that I feel are complimentary to Ken’s primary point.

Why are they looking up to this stone-hearted white idol to solve their problems……instead of looking to each other?
This first sentence and image above are very important and speak directly to the foundational premise illustrated in the very namesake of Ken’s blog of “Redefining God”; but also the direct, and engrained tendency of “MAN” to constantly keep himself “Looking Up” and surrendering his sovereignty to an “external authority” figure or group. There are many such figures and groups that have been purposely introduced to fit this role such as Governments, Gods, ALL Religions, and religious leaders of the priestly caste,etc… Really ANY hierarchical structure that has top down leaders that ‘RULE” over those below them.
This is about Sovereignty as a Species, not Nations. If humans want to be acknowledged, respected, and seen throughout the cosmic community as a responsible and sovereign race; then we need to stop acting and wishing to be slaves via this constant submission and externalized “give away” of our sovereign authority to others perceived as “above”. Stop looking “up” to saviors and masters, and we will take the biggest step towards sovereignty.
In the aftermath of my recent entries, there are some who have been left a bit deflated. The idols to which they were looking for salvation have crumbled before their eyes, and the false hope that buoyed their hearts has dissipated like the hot air it always was. But there is no need to fret. Releasing false hope, which can lead us to a fall, is necessary in order to free our arms to embrace real hope. And real hope provides us with the inspiration and motivation needed to achieve victory. So today I thought I’d take a break from poking holes in hopium bubbles and share what I personally consider to be real hope.
Let me start by answering two common questions I’ve received from readers…
“Ken, are you saying there are no ‘good guys’?”
Of course there are good guys! They just aren’t in the high-up places many have been looking. I really don’t know how this rumor that there are good people in the top positions of the earthly hierarchies managed to gain any traction. When it comes to major governments, corporations and intelligence agencies, there are two kinds of people who make it to the top echelon:
1 – Those who are placed there by powerful behind-the-scenes forces. Such people are typically from the Illuminati and their server families.
2 – Those who are the most cunning, money-lusting, power-hungry sharks in the pool. And they are allowed into the top positions only if they sell their souls a dozen times over.
This is so because the Cabal realizes that you don’t need to fill a hierarchical organization with your own people to control it; you need only occupy the top spots. Since everyone in the organization follows the dictates of the people above them, you need only a few people at the head of the hierarchy to steer any organization in the direction you want it to go. Decent, patriotic people tend to be concentrated and compartmentalized in the lower and middle levels (where they face a glass ceiling).
That being said, are there any “useful idiots” who might belong to a “white brotherhood” and believe they are working for the good of humanity placed into high positions? Sure, I can see that happening. And that’s where some of the “white hats / white knights” might come from. They simply do not realize that their higher-ups are feeding them noble-sounding BS justifications for the policies they are helping to implement. And they don’t understand that the Right Hand which pulls their strings is on the same puppet master as the Left Hand that pulls their opponents’ strings.
So if you want to see good guys / good gals, stop looking up to the Clown Posse / White Hats / White Knights and start looking sideways at each other. The key to our salvation lies in disconnecting from the self-serving strangers-on-high and reconnecting with our neighbors (or finding new neighbors we want to connect with).
“Ken, do you see any hope for humanity?”
Of course I do! If I didn’t, I wouldn’t spend my time and energy writing these articles; I’d just do the things I like to do until the end. But my hope comes from a different place than listening to Poof/Zap, Fulford, the OPPT, etc. And that being said, I will share the things that give me hope for our future, and they begin with something I call…

The Awareness Effect
Since I started regular blogging back in 2010, a number of scenarios involving planned mischief by the Cabal have arisen that set off my internal alarm bells. As a result, I posted alerts and calls to meditation and prayer, as did a great many of my awakened brothers and sisters. And as the event horizons for those scenarios passed, most of them didn’t manifest. This left me wondering, “Is my intuition giving me false alarms, or is the awareness and counter-intent of the awakened community forestalling these events?” I currently lean towards the latter explanation.
Looking back at two recent scenarios that concerned me, the Adam Kokesh open-carry march and the Trayvon Martin race war gambit, I sensed a real intent by the Cabalists to stir up big trouble. But bloggers and commenters all over the world saw these things coming from a mile away and put out the word far and wide. And both events have (so far) fizzled. Of course, we can also thank other Cabal activities (such as medicating the public with antidepressants and fluoride, distracting them with various entertainments such as TV and sports, and desensitizing them with endless “crises” for decades) for making us too zombified to get overly upset.
Back in the day, the Illuminists could run years of predictive programming, carry out an event, and issue some BS cover story with virtual impunity. These days, the second they try to start the predictive programming phase, people all over the world immediately suss out their plans and spread the word. As a result, their manipulation playbook is now wide open for all to see, and it is therefore outmoded. Without their magician’s tricks, what are they but a million or so pirates standing naked before several billion humans? And with every passing second, more and more pairs of those billions of eyes are turning upon them.
In addition to the Awareness Effect, there are five specific scenarios that, from my perspective, offer some hope. I’ll list them in order from what I consider the least feasible to the most feasible…
Read more here: http://www.conscioushugs.com/finding-realistic-hope-for-humanitys-future/


Anonymous said...

this article is crap and he knows a lot about nothing. There are sources but he doesn't have them.

Anonymous said...



DOing!!! OPPT has been about Humanities












Anonymous said...

There are indeed Good Guys in high places working on our behalf.

True, the Cabal is trying to cause mischief of late. And yes, their activities are no longer as effective because of our awareness, and could be considered only minor annoyances now.

But... just who controls the human beings which comprise the bloodline families of the Cabal?

This is where it gets even more far-fetched, and why most intel providers fear to tread in this area.

It is said that the DNA of the Cabal bloodlines had long ago been modified, and the emotion of compassion deleted by their controllers, which is why the bankers never bat an eye at the thought of profiting from war, or the notion of reducing the population of earth from several billion to just 500 million, through GMO foods, toxic additives to water, chemtrail spraying, and too much more.

The Shrubs and Royalty bloodlines in England are some of the top-level Cabal members.

Many will be tried and convicted of crimes against humanity.

But there has been an additional war, a spiritual one, raging simultaneously with the battle we can see here in the 3-D matrix.

The unseen controllers of the Cabal (called Archons & Annunaki) have secretly been at war with similarly unseen adversaries, "good guys" whom Poof & Zap refer to as the "folks in the rafters".

Cobra, a member of the Resistance Movement is the foremost public liaison between us ordinary folks, and the underground people who directly work with the "folks in the rafters", helping to topple the system of domination and control initiated by the Archons & Annunaki (Reptilians) which has held the human population captive, unknowingly, for at least 13,000 years, since the fall of Atlantis.

When China's "old man" and the Dragon Family is satisfied that the Archons have been sufficiently cleared from the astral and etheric realms of earth, the green light will finally be given for the flow of funds into all the programs we've been waiting for. After all, it's their money. That, IMO, is the real holdup.

Consider what Cobra states below about completely removing the dark elements from the current banking system...

"Galactic energies preparing us for the activation of the portal on May 25th are beginning to accelerate."

"There will be no drastic changes in the global financial system before the portal opens. I am not yet allowed to speak about what will happen after."

See Cobra's full post here:

Having said that, since the Portal has been successfully opened, and given all the news of late, I believe we are on the brink of the financial change we seek.