Sunday, June 16, 2013

The Energy Of The Planet Is Accelerating In Frequency

The Energy Of The Planet Is Accelerating In Frequency..
Posted By: Jordon [Send E-Mail]
Date: Saturday, 15-Jun-2013 19:50:13

Many crop circles carry some of the most important messages mankind could receive at this time. It is a time of one cycle of evolution ending while another begins with smooth synchronicity. It is a cosmic moment of awakening to our oneness with all of Creation and awareness of the truth that our power within that oneness resides right within the "crop circles" of our own DNA.
That power is about to take one quantum leap in the mass consciousness of every single person on planet Earth, and many crop circles have been showing us the keys and codes of this energy transformation in plain sight in their designs.
The energy of the planet is accelerating in frequency to the point where it (and we) will experience a moment of no space, no time, commonly called zero point. Gregg Braden in his book Awakening to Zero Point states Earth's maximum vibratory rate for this segment of our evolution will reach a max of 13 cycles per second. What's important is that each rise in frequency is a rise in dimension, and each rise in dimension is a rise in consciousness. Yes that is also being called ascension, or the ascension process.
The cells of our body are responding, likewise Earth as one large cell, is responding. Its molecular mass is changing geometrical shape, and that's where we come to the crop circles showing us how frequency acceleration is causing the cubes and spheres of the geometry of earth and cubes and spheres of the geometry of our own cells to change form, shift their shapes -- shape-shift!--to critical mass energy which automatically will trigger that quantum awaking in consciousness mentioned above.
Let's look at what GW Hardin says about that moment we reach critical mass. A cosmic tone or sound will envelop the earth. He explains it best in an email he got:
There is an upcoming event that begins and ends with a new cosmic sound that will resonate through our local Universe. The Bible refers to it as ‘The Word,’ [or the Sacred Sound] and it sets the tone for the whole of our physically manifested reality. This sound is also a key that allows many energy structures of a controlling nature that have long been locked in place to become unlocked and set aside.
The new sound replaces one of a lower frequency, and in so doing it moves the whole scale upwards. By activating a new consciousness structure it invites and enables a return to full consciousness for all of humanity. This key sound we refer to will be sudden, happening, as the bible says, 'in the twinkling of an eye'. Veils will be rent asunder; old energy-based humanity-control systems will finally collapse and no longer be effective.
The long battle for the souls of humanity will have been won, and we shall start to have our true selves back.
End of Quote
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And directly underneath, the crop circle of 1 August 2007, Sugar Hill, Aldbourne, Wiltshire UK.
Read more here:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

By using a frequency generator, maybe it could be possible to simulate that sound?