Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Iraqi dinar - recently being said... / "...watching history in the making"

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Iraqi dinar - recently being said... / "...watching history in the making"
Posted By: hobie [Send E-Mail]
Date: Wednesday, 19-Jun-2013 04:01:01

Hi, Folks -
Found at :
6-18-2013 Intel Guru TD A few hours ago I received the most extraordinary email from my GOI contact..."TD this has been the most extraordinary day of Iraqi politics of our new Republic. While it is no secret to anyone worldwide of the differences of factions, today at Parliament we were brothers in a common cause of building the foundation of a new Iraq for ALL of our people. MP's were all united in passing a majority of laws, drafts & provisions relative to structure building of our democratic state. Many members of the GOI and other dignitaries were watching history in the making. [post 1 of 4....stay tuned]
6-18-2013 Intel Guru TD I write to you members are toasting of the news with their families, friends and neighbors. News travels fast in our country. Probably Wednesday & Thursday you'll see various articles come out anyway. Well to the part which you and your friends holding our notes, I'll share with you this important information: While many of your friends regard IQD appreciation as a worldwide event, it's extremely complicated in that our interest is tied to investments, favorable loans, infrastructure building etc. It's not just a question of raising the value of our notes and exchanging them. It's extremely complex. Last month I reported to you of currency reform in June and plans of execution toward the late summer/early fall timeframe. [post 2 of 4....stay tuned]
6-18-2013 Intel Guru TD Developments especially today could speed up deal making even before Ramadan. Many MP's left today's session optimistic that we may be able to provide the most celebrated and happy Ramadan ever for our people. Here's the bottom line : We have put offers of currency reform on the table coupled with these investment mechanisms to many entities in particular (among too many to list ) the World Bank & IMF. We actually expect a favorable and quick response. [post 3 of 4....stay tuned]
6-19-2013 Intel Guru TD World finance and deal making can change suddenly. I've only reported to you what was status quo at that immediate time frame. Can events unfold and more negotiation carries us past Ramadan: Certainly, but for right now events may also unfold at Godspeed. I'll keep you on notice as I am permitted. Watch for favorable developments in the next 48 hours to perhaps this weekend. Right now that's the best I can share "....there you have it from the Sandbox . (I don't know if I can sleep in the next 48 hours !) . TD [post 4 of 4]


andrew said...

i tend to think TD knows what he is talking about,for some reason his GOI contact seems to have some credit ability, his story have changed a few time but now it has swung again slightly in out direction. fot the people of iraq to prosper from we also have to prosper as he admitted in his post to TD. Lets see how this pans out, there seem to be some urgency also to get this done before Ramadan.

Anonymous said...

IMO all has been done for some time, maybe even a couple years. The holdup has been the reset. I am embarressed when I hear ppl refer to the Iraqi's as goat herder's or camel jockies. I understand the common citizen has not been able to have a formal education but they are street smart. At least they have an excuse, they are war torn. The college idiots here in the US have no such excuse, like one post I read most didn't even know what the letters IRS stand for. We have low information voters here, I will guarantee the ppl of Iraq know exactly what is going on and will make better informed decisions than voters do here.