Friday, September 7, 2012

Understanding Our Situation Posted by cruiser

Understanding Our Situation Posted by cruiser in cruiser's Blog, 07 September 2012

So for those who thought there would be an announcement last night, sorry. I have learned that this event will not let a politician, from either party, or any country, take credit for this and nor should they. This historical and once in a lifetime change, is not intended for that. The individuals or groups behind this change are not about that. They are about creating a better world,  a more equal world,  one that lets smaller countries have the same equality as those countries that have corrupted it.

Yes, I know that we have an investment in the IQD and the VND, and that is what we all care about, but this is so much bigger than that. None of us signed up for this. We thought, let’s invest in these exotic currencies and see what happens. Never fully understanding the changes that will have to take place in the process. What changes? Banking, Currency, Political (on a Global Level) and humanitarian and possibly some others that I am unaware of. Below will be a brief description of each.
Now before everyone starts to panic, these changes have been worked on for years and are almost completed, if not completed already. There had to be exposure to what the problems are/were, meaning media coverage. Banking, for instance, you have 3 major ones, in 08 the subprime mortgage crisis, which collapsed the market. 

You have a derivatives problem that continues to grow and you have the LIBOR scandal that has not even started to take shape and expose all those involved. You have the Basel III that will go live, January 1, 2013, setting in place higher regulations and requirements to prevent banks from crumbling.

On the currency side of things, countries have grown tired of the “fiat currency” system. Countries no longer believe in the USD. They want currencies to be worth something.  Not a belief. So now we hear of the possibility of the “gold standard”. All currencies in the world backed up by gold.

Yes, there is also talk and belief that the currencies will be backed up by their natural resources. Eventually, yes that will happen. Just not sure if it will be in the beginning or introduced later (cannot find literature on when and that is why I am not sure).

On a global political level, there will be a shift of power. The east will have more control, thus weakening the west strong hold. There have been changes over the years, certain dictators have been removed.  Others are still be ousted. Not really big on the Politics, so cannot really comment too much about it.  Just wanted to address it.

On to the humanitarian side of things, some countries have an over population and unfortunately, cannot feed those who live in that country. Starvation is growing more by the day and more countries are being affected. Sickness and Disease has become more widespread.  Corruption, in the past, has prevented any type of help these countries desperately need.

With the help of some of the changes above, the countries will be able to receive the help, be it food cloths, medical supplies etc., and start to become self-sufficient, providing for themselves.

There is also going to be a shift in trading, importing and exporting. Manufacturing will become more prevalent in the west.  But let’s leave this to another discussion.

So now looking at all of the above topics and issues,  we should all know why someone would want their name associated with this historical event. 

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