Tuesday, September 4, 2012

The Ultimate Eastwooding: Empty Lincoln Memorial Chair Becomes Barack Obama’s Monument in Washington

The Ultimate Eastwooding: Empty Lincoln Memorial Chair Becomes Barack Obama’s Monument in Washington

Posted on September 4, 2012  

[ Click above to embiggen:  how to take Eastwooding to the next step in the future when the Left pushes for a national monument to "The One" in our capitol ] 
It’s sick, I know, but just you wait — unless Republicans are smart and run a black candidate for President like Allen West or Mia Long in the next 20 years or so, the Left will demand a grandiose monument to Barack Obama in coming decades smack dab in the middle of the National Mall.  My gut tells me they will get all of the restrictions waived and Obama’s Monument will ultimately be placed on the other side of the Washington Monument from the WWII Memorial.  They’ll try to make it something outrageous too — like a pyramid or a giant sphinx.
How about just an empty chair?
The one in the Lincoln Memorial is pretty sturdy and well-made.
Just copy that, enlarge it to the size of Obama’s ego…and VOILA! the perfect memorial to four years of American history that everyone would just as soon forget!
PS — I don’t care if this is somewhat random to this post, but there’s a great article today by Timothy P. Carney about how Obama lies all the time and the media lets him get away with it.  He really goes right for the throat of all of these people and makes them all look as stupid as they truly are.  It’s quite wonderful.  I laughed and laughed and nodded my head all through it.  It is almost as accurate and comical as Clint Eastwood’s same effort to make this sort of point about how empty this president is and how the corrupt media just keeps covering for him.

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