Wednesday, September 12, 2012


It is time that we grant the final wish of George Washington for America. The organizing cry of the Committees of Correspondence which organized the American Revolution was, "We will have no King but Jesus!" When officials of the British Government interviewed the Colonists just before and during the American Revolution, they reported back to London almost all Colonists of the Thirteen Colonies told them that their King was Jesus, not George III. When Thomas Paine wrote his famous "Common Sense" which rallied the Thirteen Colonies to found the United States of America, the key position that he pushed to rally the American people to national independence was he said we could have Jesus as King over the American people instead of a government by man. When the Continental Congress was organizing and financing the American Revolution, they approved on Sept. 11, 1777 the purchase of 20,000 copies of the Christian Bible to give to soldiers of the Continental Army under General George Washington saying that it was the "textbook" of the American Revolution. When General George Washington gave his first official order on July 9, 1776 to the soldiers of the Continental Army, he said they were Christian soldiers fighting for their cause on earth, "Every officier and live, and act as becomes a Christian soldier defending defending the dearest Rights and Liberties of his country." George Washington also ordered Christian chaplains to be assigned to every regiment of the Continental Army. When Benjamin Franklin proposed the official motto for the American Revolution to be "Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God," Thomas Jefferson seconded this proposal before the Continental Congress. During the American Revolution, British officials in the Thirteen Colonies called the American churches "seditious" and said 50% of them were preaching the God-given rights of man and pushing the American Revolution as the cause of God on earth. When in or around 1853 the U.S. Congress wrote its report on the reasons for the American Revolution, they said that the Colonists would never have backed this revolution if it opposed Christianity or threatened to take away the rights of Christianity in America. When George Washington was asked if he would agree to be king of the United States of America, he said no. He said we already had a King who was Jesus Christ over America. However, he would agree to be President and so the U.S. Republic was born instead of the Royal Throne of America. When George Washington was President of the Constitutional Convention writing up the U.S. Constitution, he had the words put in at the end of it saying "in the Year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and Eighty seven..." that was a legal statement when applied to American contracts which the U.S. Constitution was. Lawyers then clearly understood the legal meaning of this legal phrase. It meant the contract signed recognized Jesus Christ as legal King over it and nothing in the contract was valid contrary to the terms taught in the Bible as legal authority over it and nothing valid contrary to the understood Will of Jesus Christ. They had a secular way of stating years when they did not want Jesus Christ to be the recognized King of authority over the contract being signed.
     If you wonder why you have never read this true history of the American Revolution of 1776, as the Soviet spy ring boasted to my industrialist father in1950, Communists had captured control of American public education to rewrite American history into a Marxist version in order to brainwash the American youth into believing Communists doctrines without knowing this. This guaranteed that America would later become a Communist nation so why not my father cave in and let the Communists buy his Vatican endrosed trade secret food process as he could not stop America from going Communist later on? Also, they secretly controlled the Black civil rights movement in America and would use the Black vote to make Wash., D.C. a Communist government and through Wash., D.C., then all of America. After the Communists won national power, then they would according to the will of Karl Marx it was understood kill off all the Blacks in America as Karl Marx had evaluated the Blacks were an "inferior race" which a successful Communist society could not be established upon. My father reported to the F.B.I. this meeting with the Soviet spy ring shortly after it happened. They knew what was going on but could do nothing to stop it. "Politics." (A historical note here. The favorite insult of Karl Marx who had lived in America while journalist for a foreign newspaper was to call his critic or enemy "A Nigger Jew." Karl Marx hated the Jews and hated the Blacks. Karl Marx wrote his book "A World Without Jews" to say kill off all the Jews in the world and then the workers would have a paradise on earth. I cannot believe the Jews in America are so dumb as to back this Muslim-Communist Obama for the White House when both his Communist education and Muslim education teach him to hate all Jews and kill all of them once he has effective national power in America.)
     I got spies in Moslim mosques in America during the 1990's. They reported with secret laundered oil money would put in the White House their secret Moslim candidate for President. After he consolidated national power over the federal government and then over the American people, then he would kill off all Jews in America and all Christians in America who did not convert to Islam. I released a national report on this in the late 1990's long before Obama shortly popped up with hundreds of millions of dollars backing him which was never truly audited nor investigated where it came from. He was the first candidate for the White House who had the money the week before the election to buy half hour time on every major television network in America so he was massively on all TV sets in America the week before the national election. Where did those hundreds of millions of dollars really come from which were never truly audited or explained where they really came from? With the vicious background to him, no wonder he has been blocking what is called the RV of foreign currencies including Iraq. He wants the American economy ready for a surprise economic collapse in October, 2012 which the RV would prevent, and then by cutting off all social security checks, welfare checks, foodstamps, etc., and C.I.A. plants creating fake "terrorist" bombings, etc., trigger off racial war in America, civil war, and then he declares martial law and begins killing off from 25 million Americans up to maybe even 150 million Americans.
     The U.S. Congress, heads of federal agencies, especially current alleged president of America Obama who apparently was a foreign citizen when elected as his college I.D. showed that he was a foreign exchange student to America when studying in America in college, and members of Congress are in a state of legal treason against our lawful King over America which is Jesus Christ! George Washington had by legal language used in the calendar reference made Jesus Christ legal King over America. George Washington would wish that the American people now legally honor their national covenant with God and officially show legal respect and allegiance to Jesus Christ as King of the United States and as legal King over the U.S. Republic. I call for all America now to swear allegiance to our rightful King of America who is Jesus Christ and have this written into our U.S. Constitution this year!
      Folks, your ignorance of the real history of the American Revolution of 1776 cost you your constitutional government in America in Wash., D.C. Your enemies played up to your psuedo-education in American history based upon censorship of the important historical facts and also historical rewriting of American history by "liberal" educators who had no integrity to write the true history of America. As Gus Hall, head of the Communist Party, boasted to fellow Communists at a national picnic of theirs while he was alive, he thought it was brilliant that Communists had changed their political name to "liberal" and so now they could make America Communist without the American people understanding what was going on. He also commented that the Democratic Party was doing such a good job standing for Communist principles that there was no reason for the Communist Party of America to run its own candidates for national office any longer. A personal note here. I am not endorsing the Republican Party as such. We also have had many bought off candidates Republican side is why America has lost so much of its national industry. Drive in state after state and see all the empty prior factory buildings of America. That was combined damage by both Democratic and Republican members of Congress, etc. I will stand behind President Ronald Reagan that he took on a hornest's nest of corrupt government in Wash., D.C. He  tried to do the best he could for America and the American people against great odds of corruption and treason facing him in too many circles in Wash., D.C. I can't prove it, but bet it was C.I.A. that set up the intended assassination of President Reagan while in office. He was too honest for the power elite and they tried to get rid of him. I did have one medical source who suggested to me how C.I.A. could have set up the murder attempt on President Reagan. Might have been true, but couldn't prove it! It was President Reagan who figured out how to bankrupt the Communist Regime in Moscow and never really got credit for ending the Cold War this way by breaking their finances needed for survival.
     So if we want to grant the final wish of George Washington for America, write into the U.S. Constitution now as an amendment that "Jesus Christ is the Legally Declared King of the United States of America and the U.S. Constitution." Such legal words would have blocked a ton of evil "laws" and policies set up by the evil who obtained power in Wash., D.C. and then used this power to try and wipe out the power, rights, and future of Christianity in America everyway their hired Ph.D's could tell them how to do it.
     Separate news. One member of the Confederate Intelligence Service who was among those who now know how the Soviet-era Doomsday Bomb is built asked not to be used to brief any foreign governments how to build this. This person understood exactly how the Soviet-era Doomsday Bomb works and this is so totally ruthless and vicious an ultimate weapon system as no nation on earth has any defense against it. It will automatically wipe out any nation it is used on whether big ones like Russia, China, even America, Africa, Middle East, Central or Latin America, etc. This person was so sickened by how this works and  so asked not to be used to teach any foreign nation how to build and use these. Another member of the Confederate Intelligence Service who was trained by the U.S. military in nuclear warfare, etc. indicated this is the most awesome ultimate weapon system he had ever seen. He asked if I wanted up to 50 people for the Confederate Intelligence Service to be taught how to build and use these. He indicated if we built some of these, no nation on earth could start or fight a war with the Confederate States of America. He also commented that based upon his assessment how the Soviet Union brought into America Soviet nuclear bombs without detection, he figured that the Communist cell I had dealt with had at least 30 of these in America, not 15 as I first estimated based upon what the Communist cell leaders told me when they offered me the Communist dictatorship over America if I would front for them. I as a well-disguised anti-Communist leader  of course had no interest in helping them take over America, but our traitor Obama probably agreed to their updated offer to him. My nuclear warfare expert in the Confederate Intelligence Service gave me his estimate where the Communists likely placed these estimated 30 Soviet-era nuclear bombs. He included the original target areas I gave to him as given to me by the Warsaw Pact officer and estimated that all of America would be mass annihilated several ways over if these bombs had been placed as he suspected the Communists would have done. Better pass my Omni Law fast. Long ago I heard a Communist plan how to start a civil war in America with the Communists engineering the civil war and then while America is tied up in this, the Communists would hit with nuclear surprises and America wiped out as a nation forever and never to arise again. With America eliminated, the Communists take over the world.
     As there are secret leaders behind Obama giving him the guts to try this Communist Revolution from Wash., D.C. to militarily take over America come late October, 2012 unless the military backing him are now getting cold feet because too many now know what they are up to, I know how to play the game. I won't say this is all the boys that need to be rounded up if they try to throw us into a Communist military takeover of America in October, 2012, but a good starting list of those to arrest, try, execute, and then confiscate all their wealth abroad as well as other members of their families, but withthe Rockefellers, Rothschilds, etc. in this list, good hunting can beginwith the The Top 13 Families listed with Conspiracy Theories Website. Of course, if any innocent families are in this list, I never approve of the innocent being punished with the guilty. But if guilty, hunt them down across the world like Nazi War Criminals and hang the bastards once you catch them and know that they are part of the real group controlling Obama, etc. By the way, you should get a good catch of traitors and evil leaders at Denver, Colorado at the secret C.I.A. headquarters and nearby there.
      By the way, federal sources. I know with my report on Abandoned Soviet Nuclear Bomb Arsenals, if this was not read by basically all intelligence sources in Wash., D.C. and a number of sources abroad, I would be very surprised. I intend to catch you on either side of the fence symbolically speaking if I don't see at least $525,000 of money federally stolen from me returned to me by  this Friday. This side of the fence. I get the Omni Law passed, I come a hunting for you boys with legal power under the Omni Law to prosecute you for high treason so many ways it will make your brains go into shock. I don't get you but God does, my publicly released curses on you before God are no bluff. Likely 3 billion or more people were murdered by you by constant suppression of my father's Vatican endorsed food process and I asked God to use the multiplier factor of the Old Testament of 7 x 7 x 7 x 7 the original punishment God would see just for you and let you suffer these many times the combined pain and agony you did to these innocent victims you murdered and laughed about before God.  To me this is a form of scientific experiment. I give God the legal excuse to punish you all the way that is morally justified. It is then up to God to punish you all the way for all eternity or lower the punishment to a lower level. It might scare you to know that when I was around 7 years old, three prominent adults were witnesses and told others that the cloven tongues of fire of the Holy Ghost appeared over me and lasted for around 20 minutes before disappearing. I did not believe in God then, but for some startling reason after that night knew the explanation for Chapter 12 of Revelation that Hitler technically warred against America for 1,260 days and no Bible scholars knew this until I showed them how this worked later on. I released a report to Nesara News how this works. Since I am the militant who loves early Apostolic Christianity as shown by the first historical documents of Christianity which survived the fall of the Roman Empire, maybe God smiled on me and gave me that sign to show that God approved of my later drive to teach all churches whether Protestant or Catholic what first Christianity taught and then with this standard get them to return with integrity to the total standards of Christianity first taught by Jesus Christ and the Apostles. By the way, Seventh Day Adventists, first Christianity had no problem with you. Christians could worship on Saturday just as easy as Sunday, but Sunday was the preferred day for the big day of worship. Romans 14-15 shows plenty of room for you in first Apostolic Christianity. Also, Colossians 2 talks along the same line. I know the right Bible references to help reunify all true Christians together as Jesus wants. Jesus is not happy with a vastly divided Christianity. As Jesus taught, "A Kingdom Divided Against Itself Cannot Stand." Early Christianity allowed many differences in private beliefs so long as a few main foundational teachings were respected. The formula of the Apostle Paul will show us how to reunify so much of Christianity with love between Christians who still have differences of some private religious beliefs. Throw one curve at both Catholic and Protestant scholars. Most of you think Christ was born 5 B.C. or earlier. Can't be correct! Early Christianity taught Jesus was born 28 years after the death of Cleopatra of Egypt. That death was 30 B.C. Jesus was born in or next to 2 B.C. Also, early Christianity celebrated the birthday of John the Baptist on June 24. John was born 6 months before Jesus in the Bible. Jesus apparently actually born on Dec. 24 or else Dec. 25. To help you out. The Pharisees thought the Roman calendar more accurate than the Jewish lunar calendar, so coordinated their calendar then where Jesus was born on Dec. 25 which was Hanukkah - the feast of lights which also stands for "The Lord dwells among us." Tell you later how all the pieces fit together. I went into all those ancient historical documents likely none of  you ever studied and found out the whole story!
     It is not so terrible to once in a while make a mistake in scholarship. The only bad thing is if you or I same difference made a mistake and would never admit it due to personal pride! We don't all have to be infallible Popes. As good Bible scholars working together, we will get the right answers for Apostolic Christianity and share our answers with all the churches!
     Folks, wanting to back our drive for passage of the Omni Law, send checks, etc. to NIFI at NIFI, P.O. Box 1465, Seneca, SC 29679. An easy way to read the Omni Law, go to the search engine at the top left for the archive reports for Nesara News, put in Omni Law and read copies right away. If stuck, send us an email asking for a copy of the Omni Law to be sent to you. Send to . You can also look up many reports I filed with Nesara News through their searchbox at the top left of the listed archives and you will see dozens of my reports that were sent to them. Christians, you have got to learn to be more tolerant sometimes. Nesara News has a huge number of outstanding reports posted with them. They allow more than one side to often be heard with them. Allow national debate through them and not disapprove because some of their reports you might not agree with. Respect the opinions of others when legitimate and not C.I.A. planted nonsense. I always like to respect the opinions of others whether they agree or not with all my stands. Of course, like all authors, I like more the agreeing comments than the disagreeing comments. My key position is always that if a person shows an intelligent support of my side, I respect them for the intelligence shown, not just agreeing with me. If they disagree with me but show honest scholarship and good intelligence, I respect that strongly also. Many a time I have become friends with someone who may not always agree with me, but honestly intelligent people have a way of ending up respecting each other regardless if Protestant or Catholic, Republican or Democrat, etc. You get the idea!
     I was going to discuss more of the early stands of Christianity, but that will wait until a later date. I am opening up a broad debate on early Apostolic Christianity once we get over this very serious matter of the planned October, 2012 Surprise when Obama has been planning to militarily take over America. Right now I have really tripped up a lot of his plan and he may find his prior secret support nearly evaporated from him. I prefer that 25 million or more Americans not get murdered in America. I had to outmaneuver and outwit the wicked leaders behind this
and right now I get secret reports indicating their side is in a very scared position and not sure they won't lose their own lives if they try it instead of getting killed off 25 million and more Americans as they had planned before I came along to trip the daylights out of their plan they were sure before could not fail. But God sometimes mocks the mighty plans of the wicked in America or elsewhere in the world.
     Folks, pass this report all over America.
     Yours for God and Country, Erasmus of America (pen name. The other side hates that! When the moment is right, all America will know me by my regular name, but was smart while clashing symbolic swords with the most evil leaders America has ever had in Wash., D.C.) 


Anonymous said...

It was WASHINGTON'S plan to become the KING OF AMERICA, which is why he took office one year earlier than the Constitution permitted so he overthrew the CONSTITUTION using the Articles of Confederation and installed a MILITARY GOVERNMENT instead of a CIVILIAN one! Next he brought in the MASONIC LODGES in the hope that he could generate the support he needed to be declared KING but to his chagrin, he could not muster that support!

Anonymous said...

After he consolidated national power over the federal government and then over the American people, then he would kill off all Jews in America and all Christians in America who did not convert to Islam.

Not true!
All men are endowed by the Creator because all men have the Creator within them.

Creator killing the Creator over an illusion?
Creator demanding to be worship in only one form on a Free Will planet?
Creator rounding up people and identifying them as this or that when all men are created equal?
Equal equals equal. Learned that in elementary.

So someone would have to be greater than equal to round up someone lesser than equal to do this.

All men are created equal, so how is that gonna happen unless someone is trying to reeducate the masses that there is a such thing as greater than equal when it comes to all equal men?

I was told a quote, can't name a source and will misquote it too, but it was something like all men are created equal but some men are more equal than others.

Yeah? Really?

If you believe it, it's your reality.
I see the matrix and the truth is all men are created equal, that's why Freedom of Religion cannot be challenged. You have the right to worship a rock and I have no right to try to make you worship a book or a dead man.

Exercising my right, I would not join a religion of a man who died and arose but the people keep an image of him dead and not alive in their churches and on the emblems they wear around their neck.

To me it would be like, why tell me he's alive an show me a 'dead' him? Why worship him alive and can't be seen but show me an image of him on a cross dead or dying and tell me I need to remember that?

I want to remember life, not death.
Wear something showing how he looked at the last supper, the time before he died, or after the crucifixion when he was alive again.

Don't show me death and tell me to remember that...that's not what he was, for the entire time he was here, all the years he lived and the after life, it was only three days he was dead and I have to remember 3 days?

No way!

There is no way anyone who is equal can round up anyone who is equal.

Think mass arrests...duh!

When you become unequal that's when the rounding up can be done. You got guns, I don't have guns, and your guns are pointing at me? Well one of us has to be more equal than the other to disarm each other because the only other way we will be equal is if we are both dead.

The power to create your own reality has always been yours and people are waking up to their power and there are many ready to let you let them be your 'greater than you leader' so they can be more equal than you and tell you the less equal one what to do.

But your Creator has a different plan. All created equal and you can choose to take the lesser path and the lesser role of your Free Will.

You can believe Erasmus or your inner voice or some youtube video or some guru, or your pastor, or any number of people with internet talk shows and special guests giving intel you won't hear anywhere else.

Love to all, equal and One.

Anonymous said...

A short note on Marx.

As far as I know Marx was never in America.

Marx`s work from 1843 On the Jewish Question was published in German under Zur Judenfrage and not A World without Jews - this was a 1959 edition from Dag Runes changing Marx`s original title. He obviously intented to expose Marx`s antisemitism.

Anyway, I know the little essay criticizing Bruno Bauer`s view, and I found no word on "kill off all the jews in the world" as you stated. Marx`s intents were different which had to do with his view on human alienation by religion...

Take my greetings from Germany!


Anonymous said...

I THINK the "leaders" of the United States needs to go back and talk to the INDIAN ELDERS who were here FIRST....they should decide and not anyone else!

THEY were the first ones here - REMEMBER?!

THIS IS ALL RESIDUAL ideology brought over from Europe!

Jesus - FYI - has reincarnated many times! Love the man and all that he taught us too! Even looking forward to meeting him some day!

OUR CREATOR allowed him to come to this planet so that we would know what is possible, as children of GOD!

This is what the CHURCH does not want you to know! Otherwise, they would not be able to control they sadly have for centuries!

BE FREE of this dogma!

GIVE GRATITUDE TO OUR ONE CREATOR/Source and watch what you will find out soon; all about our Star FAMILIES and Hollow Earth relatives and who we really are!

THE EVIL LEADERS of America have been the greedy members of the CABAL who are loosing their power each time someone awakens!


When you have knowledge, you have power to use your mind to do better!

Anonymous said...

Anon. 10:18...what is your source of information in regard to Christ's many "resurrections"? Where did this come from and what was the purpose for many resurrections? There is no Biblical reference for that.Is that one of man's theories?

And, wonderful Erasmus, thank you. You give us hope. While you stated that most people prefer to worship on Sunday, the COMMANDMENT says to WORSHIP ON THE SEVENTH DAY. Who authorized the Church and its members to change one of God's Commandments? Was it the Council of Nicea (spelling?) And Dec. 25th is the old Roman Saturnalia when people exchanged gifts and celebrated.

Anonymous said...

I just want to make sure I'm hearing this correctly.
You're saying the book with 12 foot tall people that lived to be 1,000 years old, that says that every animal on the planet fit on to 1 boat and lived with no food for over a the only legitimate reference?
The one with the virgin births, talking snakes, and resurrections?
If Jesus was so good at being reborn, why would he only do it once?

Anonymous said...

You answered the question about all those so-called resurrections and it was just what I thought! Fiction. And speaking of fiction, when it gets down to the nitty-gritty, a talking snake isn't any more miraculous than the sun rising everyday for thousands of years with the same regularity, nor all the other cycles of life from the tulip blooming in the spring, birds hatching their eggs, to the same gestation period for each individual species, huh? I guess a Creator who can create the sun, moon and stars should certainly be able to arrange a virgin birth, do ya think? Actually, a doctor could do it today with artificial insemination if you want to use the term loosely! So, Mr. Smarty Pants, put that in your pipe and smoke it!