Monday, May 14, 2012

That's the last news from occupied France

To my American friends,

As you know, the Socialist François Hollande won the presidential elections in France, last Sunday.

It is a catastrophe for France.

Hollande was elected by the Muslisms:

A survey (of 10,000 Muslims) shows that 93% of the Muslims voted for him.

As 2 million Muslims participated in this election, Hollande got 1,720,000 Muslim votes more than Sarkozy did: (0.93-0.07) x 2,000,000 = 1,720,000 But at the end, in the whole population, he got only 1,139,316 votes more than Sarkozy.

So, without the Muslims' votes, Sarkozy would have been re-elected.

All the Muslim criminals feel now empowered.

Criminality is already on the rise (1,700 cars were burnt in France for the first night). Muslims are screaming anti-French and anti-Jews watchwords in our streets.

Veiled women, wearing the illegal burqa, are strolling in our streets.

And, as if this wasn't enough, Hollande wants to give to all the foreigners the right to vote in our elections!!

France will face a very hard situation. We are heading for civil war in a few years.

That's the last news from occupied France


Anonymous said...

While a statistical truth, you seem to be ignoring that 63.1m non-Muslim's voted for Hollande as well. Are these 63m citizens screaming anti-French and anti-Jewish sentiments as well?

Was this not a vote against the current system and the failure of it in the eyes of 64.8m citizens? When the majority of citizens no longer feel that they are able to succeed in a system where the obligations to the banks and ECB comes ahead of the citizenry isn't this what you get?

Is not a collapsing middle class of the US headed to the same scary outcome? Excessive government? Bailouts of the banks funded by the citizens who suffer a deterioration of quality of life? Doesn't this happen when capitalism in not capitalism, but is instead crony capitalism? When an honest person cannot support a family by making an honest living in a dishonest system, doesn't the current regime get tossed out, and the hope pinned on the next candidate that promises to change the system so the average citizen can get a fair shake.

I really don't think this is a Muslim issue. Please show some courage and print my fair retort to this biased article.

Anonymous said...

Not a muslim issue? .... oh bull, they are animals. That is NOT a religion of peace, and why exactly are they walking the streets burning cars and screeming anti jew hatred? There plan is absolutely to rule the world through sharia law and exterminate every last Jew! It IS a MUSLIM issue. US will be next as they certainly have plans for this country and I certainly agree with your remarks about our country heading that direction because of crony capitalism. These muslims WILL catch us at a weak moment and move forward with there plans of global domination and kill as many Americans as they can. I have been INSIDE their mosques and listened to their hatred. They are dangerous and it isn't just the fundamentalist ones.

Anonymous said...

So being a Muslim bad??? Does the author think all Muslims are evil??? I just don't subscribe to the author's POV. Not at all.

Anonymous said...

@Anon 3:31PM,
Everything you said is what the mass media wants you to believe. Sure there are those Muslims out there spreading hate but there are also PLENTY of Christians, Buddhists, Hindus and Jews doing the same. The majority of people on the planet, no matter the religion, are just ordinary, good-hearted souls just trying to get by and do the right thing. Don't believe the stories spun on T.V., newspapers, etc., otherwise, you'll be duped!

Anonymous said...

There is OBVIOUSLY a "Duality Loving" person posting on this site! WAKE UP!..You are still believing RELIGION will have a place in our future!!! Please Ascend beyond all this "Illusion"!

Anonymous said...

That's sad. France is going from one corrupt system to another.
I'd have to agree that civil war is inevitable.

Anonymous said...

You are acting like Muslims are "bad people." Not a fan of seeing hate on this or any other blog. The French election was simply a rejection of the powers that be... of course I doubt they'll be getting anything different with this new guy. Not showing your better side with this, John.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I dont know how good Hollande will be for France, but for starts , Sarkoze was not good for the people there, and secondly and more importantly, this article is so biased and racially motivated clubbing all people of one religion into 'bad' category - how ignorant is that viewpoint in this time and age.
This is exactly the fear mongering that the dark cabal has spoon fed us for decades and the sheeple have bought into. It is time to awake and get beyond the fear- stop drinking the coolaid. It is a shame such viewpoints still surface when we have criminals roaming free who claim to be 'God loving Christians', while not remembering a word that Christ gave us in his sermons. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

Well, it is NOT a peaceful ideology, and to say all are evil or animals is a stretch. Okay!

Anonymous said...

Get real, I don't do mass media and I can think for myself. There is plenty of verifiable evidence of the actions of these people, mostly males! They rape their male children, marry 5 year olds, rape the wives daily, and treat women like dogs because they do believe women are animals and should be beaten. Don't give me that business that Christians, or any other groups operate under the same principles and guidelines. The average muslim probably yearns for something better, yes! You have been duped and lulled to sleep about this group. Look around you!

Anonymous said...

Duality smooality. YOU WAKE UP! I moved far past the 5d vs duality lie. I don't believe religion is important at all. The muslims follow a hate filled ideology and would love to wipe my family of Jews off the planet. Your ascension philosophy is just a made up religion and deception for those who think they are MORE advanced or will ascend while others will have to do it all over again. Sounds like you need a dose of reality and are living in a fairy tale of illusion. Oy Vey!

Anonymous said...

Wow pretty blatant racism against Muslims because someone feels fearful of being out of control of the situation. Here's the truth - YOU were never IN control of it. Let the chips fall where they may.

Anonymous said...

Their ideology is as bad as it gets! Their CHOICE! I don't subscribe to all in any group as evil, even if they are stuck in a bad place. I do not mince words when I say that religion is evil to the core. It is.

Anonymous said...

What are they.... good people? Raping innocent boys and girls, beheading and torturing those who don't subscribe to their EVIL religion, rioting and burning cities? And NO, other religions do not teach the crap they teach.

Why are you hammering John, when this is an awareness blog?! What is his better side? When he won't print the truth about an evil ideology and give the softer viewpoints?

Anonymous said...

muslims are not our enemy, that is a "divide and conquer" technique thats been used for centuries. and i believe the "jews" that they "hate" are the zionists occupying israel who are not real jews at all.