Tuesday, May 22, 2012

The Remnant Bride ---- Good Source For GOD's Children



caryb said...

The REMNANTBRIDE.com website is also known to be: "A NEW LOOK At The WORD OF GOD". I found this website (GARY Naler) in early 2000 and met with Gary. HE Truly IS 'just a man' but Truly Anointed BY YAHWEH GOD.... for Time such as we live today. The "Kingdom Of Heaven" (6 part) Teaching Video series are a Blessing. Very Educational and Informative to the child-like Spirit-filled student.

caryb said...

Over the past 33 years as a student seeking and growing in (GODS) Truth, I have known that
"When The Student Is READY...the TEACHER Shall Appear". Today (2012) as a student of Truth and facts, that is becoming more true. I am also aware that the average persons 'attention span' is very short, not to mention PATIENCE which is a virtue. Inside the RemnantBride.com one (who Seeks) will find a literal 'Library of Facts'. Over the years 'enlightened people' seeking answers to 'cause(s) and effect(s)' have inquired about conditions or causes, and this report was introduced by Gary regarding such requests. http://www.remnantbride.com/pdffiles/Arresting_Our_Fate.pdf)

caryb said...

correct link http://www.remnantbride.com/pdffiles/Arresting_Our_Fate.pdf

Anonymous said...

He says you have to tithe as a substitutionary covering to avert God's judgement. Who to?, him I suppose! Sounds like just another cult to me. The real tithe had to go to a levitical priest who were affectively the functioning government. The verses in malichi about blessings and curses have to do with operational government. If the people stopped tithing the "goverment" could not operate and society would fall into anarchy, therefore like a curse. The levites no longer exist therefore tithing no longer exists. Our taxes fund the governments of today. They are above 10% but thats another issue.

Anonymous said...

Every true Christian HAS TO TITHE. God showed me that I had to tithe and every book where a person has either been taken to Heaven to 'see' things or hell God has told them to tell His people that they have to tithe. If you know God then you must ask Him yourself and He will answer you.