Monday, May 14, 2012

Chicago's First False Flag "Barack Attack"

By Captain Eric H. May, Ghost Troop CO

Speculation continues to build that the Obama administration and its Israel Lobby handlers will use the 25th NATO Summit to carry out a false flag attack, and according to a recent Canada Free Press article, the Department of Homeland Security intends to strong-arm Americans soon.
In his provocative May 8 story, The planned re-election of Obama, revolutionary style, Doug Hagmann reports that, according to an unnamed DHS source, the federal government is preparing for widespread civil turmoil before the fall elections, which it will use as a pretext for martial law and dictatorship.
Coming shortly before the NATO Summit, Hagmann's information resonates. It wouldn't be the first time a principled official informed the public about looming treason, thereby saving lives. The current Deep Throat should remind counter-false flag activists of another, whose warning to Chicago became a rallying point for diverse defenders.
Less than a month after the Obama inauguration the 9/11 Truth and Patriot movements were hoping that, under a new administration, there finally would be free speech about the abuses of King George and his Bush League, beginning with the truth about September 11, 2001.
On February 6, 2009 the newly installed president held a much-publicized meeting with 9/11 widow and “Jersey Girl” Beverly Eckert, along with dozens of USS Cole and 9/11 family members. All had lost a spouse or parent to “terrorism,” and they asked many incisive questions, although Obama provided few decisive answers. In the next six days, American glasnost became a short-lived reality. Senator Patrick Leahy demanded a “Truth Commission.” As if to accentuate the fact that kerosene won’t melt or demolish steel, the Mandarin Orange Hotel in downtown Beijing burned from top to bottom for 24 hours without falling, let alone collapsing neatly into its own footprint as did the Twin Towers and WTC-7. The gatekeeper Huffington Post, which had previously banned 9/11 “conspiracy theories,” published a two-part op-ed demanding a genuine investigation of the attacks.
At 11:00, p.m. on Feb 12 a highly suspicious aviation disaster over New York State killed the same Beverly Eckert who had a week earlier threatened the American elite with the one thing they can never allow: the truth. An hour later Obama’s Congress posted the Stimulus Bill online. The next day, Friday the 13th, an alarmed House of Representatives voted in favor of legislation that it didn't have the time to read. It was an alarming echo of the Patriot Act vote.
Many believed what Eckert and 48 other passengers had discovered the hard way: Obama could be as murderous as his tyrannical predecessor. Huff-Po and the rest of the limp Left immediately resumed their head-in-their-hole posture about the attacks of 2001. The more militant wing of the 9/11 Truth Movement mobilized, fearing that the next  9/11 might be close. It might even show that a “Nuclear Obama” could one-up a “King George” in mass murder.
Credible chatter from alarmed officials in the Chicago area convinced Ghost Troop that the new president and his Israeli chief of staff “Rahmbo” Emanuel might intend to nuke Sears Tower in the next few days. Major Bill Fox, my executive officer, and I hurriedly published a weekend bombshell:
An alarming report about Chicago reached me Thursday, Feb 12: Inside source reveals FEMA & DHS preparing for mass graves and martial law near Chicago. After I listened to the brief audio part of the report, I found no reason to reject the identification of the speaker as an inside source. As for the particulars of disaster preparations, they are consistent with specific inside information I have been receiving since April/May 2006.
I will analyze the Chicago scenario more in an upcoming column. For the time being, I hope that concerned patriots will review this article and its links. Please forward it, especially to the Chicago area and its first responders. With further networking we shall assimilate and circulate information that the mainstream media withholds or distorts. The new Chicago information dovetails with the December 2008 article by Major William B. Fox, Chicago Cops Dodge Blagojevich/Sears Tower Investigation, about a successful effort by Internet activists to forestall a false flag attempt against the 110-story Sears Tower on May 3, 2006 (its 33rd anniversary), during NLE-06.
Over the weekend our article went viral, and on Sunday, Feb 15 Ghost Troop ally Theresa Mitchell, an astute political analyst who hosted Portland's KBOO-FM Presswatch, wrote: "Well, I know I said it before, but I think you saved our asses (at least for a while) against a Sears Tower demolition. I have little doubt the Mossad/neocon factions are plotting Plan B."
She had "said it before" when NLE-07, which targeted Portland for a dirty bomb attack, collapsed on October 18, 2007. That harrowing day began with an amazed Mitchell broadcasting It pays to monitor terror exercises about a timely Ghost Troop alert to Southeast Texas, which had anticipated a Dow Chemical explosion that morning by four hours. The day nearly ended with a bang as Homeland Security Director Michael Chertoff arrived: Bomb scare disrupts terrorism drill. Rumors circulated that Portland police officers had joined the counter-false flag effort, which would explain why they shut down the exercise.
As later events would demonstrate, Mitchell was right about the effectiveness of the Ghost Troop public affairs mission in Chicago. Operating in tandem with Internet activists, starting with those who provided and distributed the insider information, we led a successful cyber campaign.
When Obama signed the Stimulus Bill into law on Tuesday, Feb 17, it was supposed to be the highlight of his first year. He was treated as an abject failure, though, and for no small cause: He had botched the false flag operation against the Windy City, which explains why administration officials immediately began to say that it might take another stimulus program to finish the job:
DENVER — President Obama has not ruled out a second stimulus package, his press secretary, Robert Gibbs, said on Tuesday, just before Mr. Obama signed his $787 billion recovery package into law with a statement that it would “set our economy on a firmer foundation.”
Just hours later, Yahoo! delivered a powerful kick in the pants to Barack, described but not explained in 'Obama bin Laden' Error Hits Yahoo's Homepage. The morning after a bizarre NY Post editorial cartoon of appeared, linking the Stimulus Bill to a dead chimpanzee, whom some wits began to refer to as "Obonzo."The none-too-subtle message was:
"Boy, you're nothing more than our chimp, and if you can't do what we hired you to do, we'll get rid of you and find another just like you."
I challenge any media critics to give a more plausible explanation of this none-too-subtle racist threat by a Ruppert Murdoch paper against a new "savior" president in his honeymoon phase with the media. The worst-case scenario is all-too-often the truth, and such is the case with Barack Obama. The powers that be selected him to be president because they believed that he was capable of carrying out mass murder for hire, and their payment was the Stimulus Bill. This means that patriots who ask whether he would try to attack Chicago aren't asking the right question, which should be whether he will try to attack Chicago AGAIN.
In December 2008, before Obama's inauguration, Dr. Jim Fetzer, Major Bill Fox and I coauthored “Black Bush” Barack? False Flag Frankenstein?, which was read with outrage by many, some of whom demanded an apology. Considering the way things have turned out, I'm quite ready to apologize. I'm sorry for the article's title, with its unnecessary quotation and question marks, and to atone for my mistake have renamed the Veterans Today edition more appropriately as Black Bush Barack: False Flag Frankenstein.
I extend my gratitude to my friend Abu Salem sofyan, Publisher of  Islamic Intelligence, for his invaluable help with research.
Captain Eric H. May is a former Army NCO and officer, with specialties in nuclear, biological and chemical warfare, military intelligence and public affairs. He is also a former NBC editorial writer who has published widely, from Military Intelligence Magazine to The Wall Street Journal. After the invasion of Iraq he undertook a mission of conscience, joining other informed veterans to form Ghost Troop. Since 2004 they have operated to prevent the next 9/11 (9/11/2B). In recognition of their successes, in 2009 The Lone Star Iconoclast published the editorial Captain Eric H. May Deserves Medal Of Honor. Last week he posted an all-important article, MAY MEMO: Top Ten False Flag Terror Targets.


Anonymous said...

Go read the book called the ratline by peter levenda. Hitler hide in indonesa with eva braun , under different names pochs. He converted to islam before he died. Now who is obamas real dad, he would have to be white. Pochs married a young muslim woman, young women can get pregnant even by old men. She still lives but she's kept in a locked down compound,for her protection. She has written that her husband told her that he was hitler, go read the book. Thats obamas dad hitler. Now you know why they did all they could to get him into the white house, they plan on doing the same thing here that they did all over europe. Genocide.

brando9000 said...

This is a bunch of crap lmao. And Hitler is Obamas dad LMFAO.....This is disinfo at its finest. This site has alot of good information and alot of straight up garbage. The "Martial law" that the MSM will try to make you believe is going to happen is actually going to be positive military groups stepping in to carry forth all these mass arrests that have been talked about. Obama just rejoined the ICC. This tells me right from that point on that his intentions are now working towards the light and towards our common goal, world liberation and freedom. If not he is setting himself up for his own public demise by rejoining the ICC. Anonymous you made my day hehe! Oh and the benevolent ET's that are with us now are in the process of preventing WW III and they will not let anyone commit genocide on our beloved Gaia again!

Anonymous said...

....part1/2......May 16, 2012, FBI Agent Fleeing Massive Manhunt, Warns, “They’re All Insane”
By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers. A bizarre Foreign Ministry report circulating in the Kremlin today, states that this Friday past (11 May) Russian Envoy Vladimir Vinokurov, the Consulate General of San Francisco, was approached near his hotel room during a visit to Los Angeles, by an agent of the United States Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) indentifying himself as Stephen Ivens [photo top left] who warned that he and a former FBI agent named Donald Sachtleben had uncovered evidence of an impending terror attack on US soil stating that those behind the attack, were “all insane.” Before Ivens was able to finish his “message,” this report says, the three American Diplomatic Security (DS) agents, who trail all Russian diplomats in the US, began to “surge” towards Ivens, causing him to flee. According to US news sources, Special Agent Ivens, after leaving downtown Los Angeles, returned to his home in Burbank, whereupon he then fled into the rugged Verdugo Mountains, after which a massive manhunt for him ensued, involving 100 FBI agents, 40 sheriff's department rescuers, and a dozen local police officers.....(...) He was further described by FBI colleagues, as well liked, a devoted agent, with no history of disciplinary action on the job, and according to FBI spokeswoman Laura Eimiller.... “Married with a one-year-old child, he has been working for the FBI for the past three years in the national security area. Prior to that, he worked as a Los Angeles police officer, for eight years.” Late yesterday, after the massive manhunt failed to find any trace of Ivens, his wife Thea Ivens issued an urgent public appeal ....(...) Even more bizarre about this case, this report continues, is that the retired FBI agent named Donald Sachtleben mentioned by Ivens, who also knew about this impending “plot,” .....was arrested within hours of Ivens disappearing, and charged with trading child pornography. Most important to note about Sachtleben was, aside from his being an over 25-year veteran of the FBI, he was a special agent bomb technician before retiring in 2008, who specialized in counterterrorism and bombing investigations, and whose most important case was the 11 September 2001 attacks on New York City. According to US news reports about Sachtleben’s arrest, this most knowledgeable of FBI agents, openly traded child porn using the e-mail address xxxxxxxx in an act so stupid for one of the United States most highly trained intelligence agents, it defies belief.

Anonymous said...

.....part2..... The practice of US intelligence services, charging their most feared dissidents, with child pornography and/or sex charges, is well known, ....with the most celebrated case being against the former UN weapons inspector William Scott Ritter, Jr. ...who warned about the lies being told to the American people, in the run-up to the Iraq War, only to find himself sent to prison, on trumped up charges involving a minor girl. To exactly what kind of false flag plot Agents Ivens and Sachtleben had uncovered, this report doesn’t say, other than to note that the credibility of this information should not be dismissed, due to how fast and hard US intelligence agencies are acting to cover their tracks, should any additional information come forth. Grimly to be noted, is the use of false flag operations by the United States and their political elite classes, are well known and well documented, the most famous of them being Operation Northwoods. Operation Northwoods was a series of false-flag proposals that originated in 1962 within the United States government, and which the Kennedy administration, rejected. The proposals called for the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), or other operatives, to commit acts of terrorism in U.S. cities and elsewhere. These acts of terrorism were to be blamed on Cuba, in order to create public support for a war against that nation, which had recently become communist under Fidel Castro. ...(...) The plan was drafted by the Joint Chiefs of Staff, signed by Chairman Lyman Lemnitzer, and sent to the Secretary of Defense. Although part of the U.S. government's Cuban Project anti-communist initiative, Operation Northwoods was never officially accepted; it was authored by the Joint Chiefs of Staff, but then rejected by President John F. Kennedy. As the events of Oklahoma City and 9/11 prove, however, the appetite for false flag operations against the American people by their own government, is far from sated, with the next one, undoubtedly, being the worst of them all. May 16, 2012 © EU and US all rights reserved. Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked back to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com.

brando9000 said...

Again, the only attack you are going to see in America is going to be Resistance Movement along with positive military forces taking down members of the Cabal. The MSM is going to try and make this look like it is a state of marshal law but again, IT IS NOT!