Wednesday, May 16, 2012

"Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld war criminals verdict Enforcement Phase begins"

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Reader, link: "Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld war criminals verdict Enforcement Phase begins"
Posted By: hobie [Send E-Mail]
Date: Wednesday, 16-May-2012 15:38:37

(Thanks, R. :)
Reader Rod sends us the link to an article:
Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld war criminals verdict Enforcement Phase begins
Last November the Kuala Lumpur tribunal found Bush and Blair guilty of war crimes including "crimes against peace" for initiating war with Iraq.
Last Friday the tribunal found Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld and others in the administration guilty of war crimes for the torture of prisoners held at Guantanamo and Abu Ghraib, etc.
This basically means any country in the world now has obligation to arrest Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld et al. if found within its borders.


Doug Duff said...

"Any country in the world?" Well, how about a small non-registered (non-recognized/category 4) American Native Tribe doing the arresting? Many will not comprehend my "idea" of a Foundational Aboriginal group (government) bringing charges on behalf of "Disrupting the Peace" and "Violating Extant Treaties"; nor will they comprehend the meaning of Isaiah, Chapter 18. I bring this idea as a "light switch in a dark hallway."

Anonymous said...

Now.... is that Bush Senior or Bush Junior??? In my opinion they both are guilty.


Anonymous said...

So what about the members of Congress who voted for it and went along with it? What a farce this whole thing is... Why aren't they considered criminals, too? And most of them are still sitting there passing their unconstitutional laws and spending your grandchildren's future earnings like a crazy wildman without a whimper from any of you!!!

Anonymous said...

I think we ought to tie them up, blindfold them, and put them all on a plane to Tehran. Put the entire Bush clan, the Clintons, and Kissinger on that plane.

Anonymous said...

yes, let's all vote on that plane ride to justice for all mankind.