Saturday, April 14, 2012

Acceleration of events

Acceleration of events

Friday April 13th was a day full of action. Resistance Movement has finally removed the main obstacle (from their perspective) that blocked the triggering of the Event. Certain key Resistance agents were placed into position. There are some minor preparations still to be made, but then everything is ready, as far as Resistance is concerned.

These major developments on Friday have also initiated a process of lifting the quarantine of planet Earth and started preparations for the First Contact.

There are also some developments on the surface of the planet which must be completed before the Event can take place. First, there is a lot of pressure on banking sector of the Cabal and they are basically being cornered. Second, a legal process is put into place that will ensure a formation of a new civil authority that will finally authorize the military to back up the Event. Much is happening but mass media do not report it. The pressure upon mass media is mounting and you can expect some leaks into MSM soon.

In the next few weeks, events will accelerate.


Anonymous said...

Dear Mr. MacHaffie:
Please have the Pentagon "Good Guys" tell the Resistance Movement I also SALUTE their members. 35 years underground is an enormous sacrifice. At some point in the near future, I would hope that all who participated in the 2nd American Revolution/1st Worldwide Revolution will be recognized and honored.
May God Bless The Resistance Movement
Bill Porter
Team USA

Anonymous said...

Greetings All,

I am a lightworker with a clear direct mission having unfolded since birth with a visitation from Mother Mary at age 5, individuals in my up bringing teaching Me the finer things of love,honesty and integrity. I have recently finished a key piece of reclaiming the Soul and merging my awareness with God,,My Soul. Realizing all of life mirriors how we see our self ,,inspires / in spirit/ to take self responsibility,,to perceive everyone ,,just observe from the heart ,,no judgement,,to actually bless the dark Ones for they have played thier role of keeping us enslaved to material reality,,lack,limitation,,,To this point NOW wherein we stand up in our soverienity,,in our hearts seeing the others as our self,,,remember be Happy,,joyful,,playful,,,have fun with this awesome time,,,,in that way we are like little children entering the kingdom of Heaven that lies within us. Its all a grand play and soul never suffers. Without the dark holding us back to wakeup may have had to take much longer,,,we are all accelerating this project of becoming aware of God residing within us. I see we have all had to practice turning the other cheek and loving them for they know not what they do.. Now is the time for the weights and measures for the the wheat is being chaffed....yeaaaaaaa

love n light


AlanH. said...

Super excellent. This thing keeps and keeps growing-expanding-manifesting-building up and becoming a/the reality, my heart and soul says...

We're almost there people! Stay strong, centered, ever-loving and completely in the flow of Love-God-Source-All That Is-Creator-Universe.

Now is the moment to raise your vibrations as HIGH as you could ever possibly imagine...dive into it...feel the infinite-timeless-dimensional connection with all that there is...grasp-feel-hold-irradiate the energy of love in which you are mounted on, that interpenetrates all that you are...and so much More.

Stay Strang, in the most loving and enlightening sense of the word...we're almost there (if we aren't already...just let me go out and check!)

Cheers, love and light!