Tuesday, January 10, 2012

It is Go Time Here

Allendale to Tots ~ ‘It is Go Time Here’ 1/9/12

[Hi Allendale] Hello Tots and how have you been? [A little tired today but over all, very good thanks. [How are you Al?] Well Lass, it is go time here. The decision has been made to align with Creator and God and place ourselves very close to your beautiful planet.
For now, know that our experience with the cabal has allowed the white hats a decisive victory of global proportions. This is our time to shine, Tots and mind ya we plan to do just that. The clock is ticking on the cabal and they are running like scared insects.
Get ready Lass for a very big announcement by David (Wilcock). 
He is now ready to detail his great knowledge to the masses. Hobad is assisting his High Self beautifully. Spike is on call and Aninadzija is light in galactic form. The tribe is ready. We are ready and the Creator is ready. Get your rest, Tots. It is going to be a very interesting week. Allendale out.


Anonymous said...

"Its Time To Go" and directly above "The operation is still not a success"

Anybody else getting dizzy ?

Anonymous said...

It would seem that not even the channeled messages are accurate. Having said that, I am yet again ready for an " interesting week "

Vick said...

"Tell them that I am ready"...

Anonymous said...

....part1/2......... source is :
http://anonymouschannelings.wordpress.com/2012/01/10/allendale-to-tots-it-is-go-time-here-1912/ ************* then, from: http://anonymouschannelings.wordpress.com/2011/12/17/welcome-to-anonymous-channelings-2/ .... Welcome to Anonymous Channelings, Posted on December 17, 2011.We are posting channeled messages from various sources.Allendale is the Anonymous caller, from the recent David Wilcock interview on American Freedom Radio. He’s tasked with protecting some key players in the ascension process. We are four people channeling him in support of the global awakening: Tots, Hobad, Aninadzija, and Spike.
If you wish to read the transcript of the interview click here: // at gailallen.com //
*** A Note on Anonymous, by Kerry Cassidy: For the record, as I have stated on Avalon Forum... I do know Anonymous.. I invited him to come on the show. We did this in order to get a message out there, to protect David. That mission was accomplished. At great personal risk, Anonymous came forward. He is not from 'off world' as some surmised. He is very much one of us. By that I mean, he is a highly gifted human, with ET roots as we all are. It was my idea to bring on Anonymous (actually I called him immediately after I hung up with David, and although I can't remember if I asked, I remember he volunteered to come on the air, and make sure the low level guys got the message). I was surprised he would risk everything to do this on the one hand, but knowing how loyal and caring he was and how he could protect David (that is, contact those who could), I agreed. He then asked permission, and sorted out a quick cover story.. and we arranged to have him call in, on a special phone. //Note from Rayelan at Rumor Mill News concerning the identity of Anonymous: BTW... the Scottish Irishman who was talking to David, is the same Shamus who worked with me for over ten years and then married me off to Gunther. Shamus is a starship captain. He is Gunther's higher self and now that I have heard his again, I know where Gunther is these days! And I hope to hell those of you who know what he is capable of, are shaking in your Texan boots! /////A Very Alert Reader: "Notice what Anonymous said in the 12/14/11 interview, this vid is included: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xH6MZIHWjII ...3:41min.... //
http://www.gailallen.com/theo/Converstaion-With-A-Starship-Captain.html **************
If you wish to listen to the audio of Project Camelot interview with Anonymous caller / Allendale,.... Kerry Cassidy and David Wilcock, click here:
http://www.americanfreedomradio.com/archive/Project-Camelot-32k-121411.mp3 ///
Our mission is to expose the cabal’s tactics and spread daylight, not fear. There is nothing to fear, as the Light has already won. We have Divine approval for our Ascension. We feel our messages could benefit the collective global awakening, and we hope to speed the process.

Anonymous said...

...part2.....Please enjoy yourselves here, in the company of Light that watches over us all.
The channelers prefer to be anonymous. Please click on the links below to read each of our respective channelings: http://anonymouschannelings.wordpress.com/category/tots/
http://anonymouschannelings.wordpress.com/category/spike/ *** http://anonymouschannelings.wordpress.com/category/uncategorized/
http://anonymouschannelings.wordpress.com/ ...for more........(....) ****************
Max Steinberg, Ph.D. on January 3, 2012 at 8:43 pm said: Thanks for the links and explanations. That is extraordinary stuff! Back then in December I also came across the Wilcock-Cassidy show, and was struck by the message and personality of Anonymous. I did a bit of research and found the Ellene’s transcript of the show, on Steve Beckov’s site ( you list both these links here). I thought since this is a very profound message, I should make it most accessible to the public, so I extracted the voice of Anonymous from the recording, annotated with text, and added my commentary which is just a little bit off mark, as I see now. // Reply ↓ // 28:14minSec video:
*** A Human Extraterrestrial /??/ Participates In A Radio S(how)....Views:2668,Comments: 8 // ....Max Steinberg, Ph.D speaking....//Here I introduce selections of the Project Camelot - Kerry Cassidy - David Wilcock radio show aired on Dec 14, 2011. Listen to the full show here: http://youtu.be/Wcy0X5w3KwU.
Read the full transcript: http://goo.gl/97Ko0.
Read condensed transcript with the message of Anonymous here: http://www.maxsteinberg.com/?p=546 ///My book on transformation of our world view, by coming disclosure: http://www.maxsteinberg.com/?page_id=2 ///
Update 2011-12-31 Check out the follow-up commentary by Kerry Cassidy: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fmFgYhZOB3Y#t=5m30s ... (this link is to send you to 5min30sec into the video). Update 2012-01-03 There is much insight on the identity of the Anonymous.He is both an ET and a hybrid human on Earth linked together/??/. His names are Allendale, Guenter and Shamus.Check out these links for his identity and more messages:
http://anonymouschannelings.wordpress.com // David Wilcock Mentioned David Guyatt - I was one of David's Source's for the Information on the Philippine Gold Treaty.
Posted By: Rayelan Date: Thursday, 15-Dec-2011
http://www.rumormillnews.com/cgi-bin/forum.cgi?read=224559 //
from: http://anonymouschannelings.wordpress.com/2011/12/17/welcome-to-anonymous-channelings-2/

Anonymous said...


Mr.Ed @ RMN & AC